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Merge data

Data objects can be merged to cover the needs of your extension.

In this example we update the quantity to 1001 and add a new piece of data relevant to our extension. This will affect all other tests that use this data.

Starting entity

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<entity name="SimpleProduct" type="product">
<data key="sku" unique="suffix">SimpleProduct</data>
<data key="type_id">simple</data>
<data key="attribute_set_id">4</data>
<data key="name" unique="suffix">SimpleProduct</data>
<data key="price">123.00</data>
<data key="visibility">4</data>
<data key="status">1</data>
<data key="quantity">1000</data>
<data key="urlKey" unique="suffix">simpleproduct</data>
<data key="weight">1</data>
<requiredEntity type="product_extension_attribute">EavStockItem</requiredEntity>
<requiredEntity type="custom_attribute_array">CustomAttributeCategoryIds</requiredEntity>

File to merge

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<entity name="SimpleProduct" type="product">
<!-- myExtensionData will simply be added to the product and quantity will be changed to 1001. -->
<data key="quantity">1001</data>
<data key="myExtensionData">dataHere</data>

Resultant entity

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<entity name="SimpleProduct" type="product">
<data key="sku" unique="suffix">SimpleProduct</data>
<data key="type_id">simple</data>
<data key="attribute_set_id">4</data>
<data key="name" unique="suffix">SimpleProduct</data>
<data key="price">123.00</data>
<data key="visibility">4</data>
<data key="status">1</data>
<!-- Quantity updated -->
<data key="quantity">1001</data>
<data key="urlKey" unique="suffix">simpleproduct</data>
<data key="weight">1</data>
<requiredEntity type="product_extension_attribute">EavStockItem</requiredEntity>
<requiredEntity type="custom_attribute_array">CustomAttributeCategoryIds</requiredEntity>
<!-- Data key merged -->
<data key="myExtensionData">dataHere</data>
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