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Getting started

Prepare environment

Make sure that you have the following software installed and configured on your development environment:

Install Magento

Use instructions below to install Magento.

Step 1. Clone the magento2 source code repository

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git clone https://github.com/magento/magento2.git


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git clone git@github.com:magento/magento2.git

Step 2. Install dependencies

Checkout the Adobe Commerce or Magento Open Source version that you are going to test.

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cd magento2/
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git checkout 2.4-develop

Install the Adobe Commerce or Magento Open Source application.

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composer install

Prepare Magento

Configure the following settings in Adobe Commerce or Magento Open Source as described below.

WYSIWYG settings

A Selenium web driver cannot enter data to fields with WYSIWYG.

To disable the WYSIWYG and enable the web driver to process these fields as simple text areas:

  1. Log in to the Admin as an administrator.
  2. Navigate to Stores > Settings > Configuration > General > Content Management.
  3. In the WYSIWYG Options section set the Enable WYSIWYG Editor option to Disabled Completely.
  4. Click Save Config.

or via command line:

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bin/magento config:set cms/wysiwyg/enabled disabled

Clean the cache after changing the configuration values:

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bin/magento cache:clean config full_page

Security settings

To enable the Admin Account Sharing setting, to avoid unpredictable logout during a testing session, and disable the Add Secret Key in URLs setting, to open pages using direct URLs:

  1. Navigate to Stores > Settings > Configuration > Advanced > Admin > Security.
  2. Set Admin Account Sharing to Yes.
  3. Set Add Secret Key to URLs to No.
  4. Click Save Config.

or via command line:

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bin/magento config:set admin/security/admin_account_sharing 1
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bin/magento config:set admin/security/use_form_key 0

Clean the cache after changing the configuration values:

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bin/magento cache:clean config full_page

Testing with the two-factor authentication (2FA) extension

If the Adobe Commerce or Magento Open Source instance under test has the two-factor authentication (2FA) extension installed and enabled, additional configurations is needed to run test. Learn more in Configure with two-factor authentication (2FA).

Webserver configuration

The Functional Testing Framework does not support executing CLI commands if your web server points to <MAGE_ROOT_DIR>/pub directory as recommended in the Installation Guide. For the Functional Testing Framework to execute the CLI commands, the web server must point to the Adobe Commerce or Magento Open Source root directory.

Nginx settings

If the Nginx Web server is used on your development environment, then Use Web Server Rewrites setting in Stores > Settings > Configuration > General > Web > Search Engine Optimization must be set to Yes.

Or via command line:

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bin/magento config:set web/seo/use_rewrites 1

You must clean the cache after changing the configuration values:

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bin/magento cache:clean config full_page

To be able to run Adobe Commerce or Magento Open Source command-line commands in tests, add the following location block to the Nginx configuration file in the Adobe Commerce or Magento Open Source root directory:

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location ~* ^/dev/tests/acceptance/utils($|/) {
root $MAGE_ROOT;
location ~ ^/dev/tests/acceptance/utils/command.php {
fastcgi_pass fastcgi_backend;
fastcgi_index index.php;
fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name;
include fastcgi_params;

Set up an embedded framework

This is the default setup of the Functional Testing Framework that you would need to cover your Adobe Commerce or Magento Open Source project with functional tests. It installs the framework using an existing Composer dependency such as magento/magento2-functional-testing-framework. If you want to set up the Functional Testing Framework as a standalone tool, refer to Set up a standalone MFTF.

Install MFTF.

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composer install

Step 1. Build the project

In the Adobe Commerce or Magento Open Source project root, run:

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vendor/bin/mftf build:project

If you use PhpStorm, generate a URN catalog:

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vendor/bin/mftf generate:urn-catalog .idea/misc.xml

If the file does not exist, add the --force option to create it:

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vendor/bin/mftf generate:urn-catalog --force .idea/misc.xml

See generate:urn-catalog for more details.

Step 2. Edit environmental settings

In the magento2/dev/tests/acceptance/ directory, edit the .env file to match your system.

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vim dev/tests/acceptance/.env

Specify the following parameters, which are required to launch tests:

  • MAGENTO_BASE_URL must contain a domain name of the Adobe Commerce or Magento Open Source instance that will be tested. Example: MAGENTO_BASE_URL=http://magento.test

  • MAGENTO_BACKEND_NAME must contain the relative path for the Admin area. Example: MAGENTO_BACKEND_NAME=admin

  • MAGENTO_ADMIN_USERNAME must contain the username required for authorization in the Admin area. Example: MAGENTO_ADMIN_USERNAME=admin

  • MAGENTO_ADMIN_PASSWORD must now be set up in the credentials file. See Credentials Page for details.

Learn more about environmental settings in Configuration.

Step 3. Enable the CLI commands

In the Adobe Commerce or Magento Open Source project root, run the following command to enable the Functional Testing Framework to send Adobe Commerce or Magento Open Source CLI commands to your Adobe Commerce or Magento Open Source instance.

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cp dev/tests/acceptance/.htaccess.sample dev/tests/acceptance/.htaccess

Step 4. Generate and run tests

To run tests, you need a running Selenium server and mftf commands.

Run the Selenium server

Run the Selenium server in the terminal. For example, the following commands download and run the Selenium server for Google Chrome:

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curl -O http://selenium-release.storage.googleapis.com/3.14/selenium-server-standalone-3.14.0.jar
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java -Dwebdriver.chrome.driver=chromedriver -jar selenium-server-standalone-3.14.0.jar

Generate and run all tests

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vendor/bin/mftf generate:tests
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vendor/bin/codecept run functional -c dev/tests/acceptance/codeception.yml

See more commands in codecept.

Run a simple test

To clean up the previously generated tests, and then generate and run a single test AdminLoginSuccessfulTest, run:

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vendor/bin/mftf run:test AdminLoginSuccessfulTest --remove

See more commands in mftf.

Step 5. Generate reports

During testing, the Functional Testing Framework generates test reports in CLI. You can generate visual representations of the report data using the Allure Framework. To view the reports in a GUI:

  • Install Allure
  • Run the tool to serve the artifacts in dev/tests/acceptance/tests/_output/allure-results/:
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allure serve dev/tests/acceptance/tests/_output/allure-results/

Learn more about Allure in the official documentation.

Set up a standalone MFTF

The Functional Testing Framework is a root level Adobe Commerce or Magento Open Source dependency, but it is also available for use as a standalone application. You may want to use a standalone application when you develop for or contribute to MFTF, which facilitates debugging and tracking changes. These guidelines demonstrate how to set up and run Adobe Commerce or Magento Open Source acceptance functional tests using standalone MFTF.


This installation requires a local instance of the Adobe Commerce or Magento Open Source application. The Functional Testing Framework uses the tests from modules as well as the app/autoload.php file.

Step 1. Clone the repository

If you develop or contribute to MFTF, it makes sense to clone your fork of the Functional Testing Framework repository. For contribution guidelines, refer to the Contribution Guidelines for the Functional Testing Framework.

Step 2. Install the MFTF

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cd magento2-functional-testing-framework
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composer install

Step 3. Build the project

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bin/mftf build:project

Step 4. Edit environment settings

In the dev/.env file, define the basic configuration and MAGENTO_BP parameters.

Step 5. Enable the CLI commands

Copy the etc/config/command.php file into your Adobe Commerce or Magento Open Source installation at <magento root directory>/dev/tests/acceptance/utils/. Create the utils/ directory, if you didn't find it.

Step 6. Remove the framework package dependency

The Functional Testing Framework uses the Adobe Commerce or Magento Open Source app/autoload.php file to read modules. The Functional Testing Framework dependency in Adobe Commerce or Magento Open Source supersedes the standalone registered namespaces unless it is removed at a Composer level.

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composer remove magento/magento2-functional-testing-framework --dev -d <path to the Adobe Commerce or Magento Open Source root directory>

Step 7. Run a simple test

Generate and run a single test that will check your logging to the Admin functionality:

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bin/mftf run:test AdminLoginSuccessfulTest

You can find the generated test at dev/tests/functional/tests/MFTF/_generated/default/.

Step 8. Generate Allure reports

The standalone Functional Testing Framework generates Allure reports at dev/tests/_output/allure-results/. Run the Allure server pointing to this directory:

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allure serve dev/tests/_output/allure-results/
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