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Input testing data

The Functional Testing Framework enables you to specify and use <data> entities defined in XML. Default <data> entities are provided for use and as templates for entity creation and manipulation. The following diagram shows the XML structure of a data object:

Data Object

The <data> entities are stored in <module_dir>/Test/Mftf/Data/.

Supply data to test by reference to a data entity

Test steps requiring <data> input in an action, like filling a field with a string, may reference an attribute from a data entity:

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In this example:

  • SimpleSubCategory is an entity name.
  • name is a <data> key of the entity. The corresponding value will be assigned to userInput as a result.

The following is an example of the usage of <data> entity in the Magento/Customer/Test/Mftf/Test/AdminCustomersAllCustomersNavigateMenuTest.xml test:

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<actionGroup ref="AdminNavigateMenuActionGroup" stepKey="navigateToAllCustomerPage">
<argument name="menuUiId" value="{{AdminMenuCustomers.dataUiId}}"/>
<argument name="submenuUiId" value="{{AdminMenuCustomersAllCustomers.dataUiId}}"/>

In the above example:

  • AdminMenuCustomers is an entity name.
  • dataUiId is a <data> key of the entity.

Environmental data

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In this example:

  • _ENV is a reference to the dev/tests/acceptance/.env file, where basic environment variables are set.
  • MAGENTO_ADMIN_USERNAME is a name of an environment variable. The corresponding value will be assigned to userInput as a result.

The following is an example of the usage of _ENV in the Magento/Braintree/Test/Mftf/ActionGroup/AdminDeleteRoleActionGroup.xml action group:

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<fillField stepKey="TypeCurrentPassword" selector="{{AdminDeleteRoleSection.current_pass}}" userInput="{{_ENV.MAGENTO_ADMIN_PASSWORD}}"/>

Sensitive data

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In this example:

  • _CREDS is a constant to reference to the dev/tests/acceptance/.credentials file, where sensitive data and secrets are stored for use in a test.
  • MY_SECRET_TOKEN is the name of a key in the credentials variable. The corresponding value of the credential will be assigned to userInput as a result.
  • The decrypted values are only available in the .credentials file in which they are stored.

Learn more in Credentials.

The following is an example of the usage of _CREDS in the Magento/Braintree/Test/Mftf/Data/BraintreeData.xml data entity:

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<entity name="MerchantId" type="merchant_id">
<data key="value">{{_CREDS.magento/braintree_enabled_fraud_merchant_id}}</data>

Persist a data entity as a prerequisite of a test

A test can specify an entity to be persisted (created in the database) so that the test actions could operate on the existing known data.

Example of referencing data in a test:

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In this example:

  • createCustomer is a step key of the corresponding test step that creates an entity.
  • email is a data key of the entity. The corresponding value will be assigned to userInput as a result.

The following is an example of the usage of the persistant data in Magento/Customer/Test/Mftf/Test/AdminCreateCustomerWithCountryUSATest.xml test:

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<actionGroup ref="AdminFilterCustomerByEmail" stepKey="filterTheCustomerByEmail">
<argument name="email" value="$$createCustomer.email$$"/>

The Functional Testing Framework now stores the persisted data and attempts to retrieve it using the combination of stepKey and the scope of where it has been called. The current scope is preferred, then widening to test > hook > suite or hook > test > suite.

This emphasizes the practice for the stepKey of createData to be descriptive and unique, as a duplicated stepKey in both a <test> and <before> prefers the <test> data.

Use data returned by test actions

A test can also reference data that was returned as a result of test actions, like the action <grabValueFrom selector="someSelector" stepKey="grabStepKey>.

Further in the test, the data grabbed by the someSelector selector can be referenced using the stepKey value. In this case, it is grabStepKey.

The stepKey value can only be referenced within the test scope that it is defined in (test, before/after).

The following example shows the usage of grabValueFrom in testing, where the returned value is used by action's stepKey:

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<grabValueFrom selector="someSelector" stepKey="grabStepKey"/>
<fillField selector=".functionalTestSelector" userInput="{$grabStepKey}" stepKey="fillFieldKey1"/>

The following is an example of the Magento/Catalog/Test/Mftf/ActionGroup/AssertDiscountsPercentageOfProductsActionGroup.xml test:

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<grabValueFrom selector="{{AdminProductFormAdvancedPricingSection.productTierPricePercentageValuePriceInput('0')}}" stepKey="grabProductTierPriceInput"/>
<assertEquals stepKey="assertProductTierPriceInput">
<expectedResult type="string">{{amount}}</expectedResult>
<actualResult type="string">$grabProductTierPriceInput</actualResult>

Hardcoded data input

The data to operate against can be included as literals in a test. Hardcoded data input can be useful in assertions.

See also Actions.

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userInput="We'll email you an order confirmation with details and tracking info."


The format of the <data> entity is:

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<entities xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
<entity name="" type="">
<data key=""></data>
<entity name="" type="">
<data key="" unique=""></data>
<var key="" entityType="" entityKey=""/>


The following conventions apply to <data> entities:

  • A <data> file may contain multiple data entities.
  • Camel case is used for <data> elements. The name represents the <data> type. For example, a file with customer data is CustomerData.xml. A file for simple product would be SimpleProductData.xml.
  • Camel case is used for the entity name.
  • The filename must have the suffix Data.xml.


Example (Magento/Catalog/Test/Mftf/Data/CategoryData.xml file):

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<entities xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
<entity name="_defaultCategory" type="category">
<data key="name" unique="suffix">simpleCategory</data>
<data key="name_lwr" unique="suffix">simplecategory</data>
<data key="is_active">true</data>
<entity name="SimpleSubCategory" type="category">
<data key="name" unique="suffix">SimpleSubCategory</data>
<data key="name_lwr" unique="suffix">simplesubcategory</data>
<data key="is_active">true</data>
<data key="include_in_menu">true</data>

This example declares two <data> entities: _defaultCategory and SimpleSubCategory. They set the data required for category creation.

All entities that have the same name will be merged during test generation. Both entities are of the category type.

_defaultCategory sets three data fields:

  • name defines the category name as simpleCategory with a unique suffix. Example: simpleCategory598742365.
  • name_lwr defines the category name in lowercase format with a unique suffix. Example: simplecategory697543215.
  • is_active sets the enable category to true.

SimpleSubCategory sets four data fields:

  • name that defines the category name with a unique suffix. Example: SimpleSubCategory458712365.
  • name_lwr that defines the category name in lowercase format with a unique suffix. Example: simplesubcategory753698741.
  • is_active sets the enable category to true.
  • include_in_menu that sets the include in the menu to true.

The following is an example of a call in test:

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<fillField selector="{{AdminCategoryBasicFieldSection.categoryNameInput}}" userInput="{{_defaultCategory.name}}" stepKey="enterCategoryName"/>

This action inputs data from the name of the _defaultCategory entity (for example, simpleCategory598742365) into the field with the locator defined in the selector of the categoryNameInput element of the AdminCategoryBasicFieldSection.

You can also call data from the XML definition of a data tag directly:

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<entity name="NewAdminUser" type="user">
<data key="username" unique="suffix">admin</data>
<data key="current_password">{{AnotherUser.current_password}}</data> <!-- Data from another entity -->
<data key="current_password">{{_ENV.MAGENTO_ADMIN_PASSWORD}}</data> <!-- ENV file reference -->



<entities> is an element that contains all <entity> elements.


<entity> is an element that contains <data> elements.

Name of the <entity>. Use camel case for entity names.
Node containing the exact name of <entity> type. Used later to find specific Persistence Layer Model class. type in <data> can be whatever the user wants; There are no constraints. It is important when persisting data, depending on the type given, as it will try to match a metadata definition with the operation being done. Example: A myCustomer entity with type="customer", calling <createData entity="myCustomer"/>, will try to find a metadata entry with the following attributes: <operation dataType="customer" type="create">.
Used to warn about the future deprecation of the data entity. String will appear in Allure reports and console output at runtime.

<entity> may contain one or more <data>, <var>, <required-entities>, or <array> elements in any sequence.


<data> is an element containing a data/value pair.

Key attribute of data/value pair.
enum: "prefix", "suffix"
Add suite or test wide unique sequence as "prefix" or "suffix" to the data value if specified.


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<data key="name" unique="suffix">simpleCategory</data>


<var> is an element that can be used to grab a key-value from another entity. For example, when creating a customer with the <createData> action, the server responds with the auto-incremented ID of that customer. Use <var> to access that ID and use it in another data entity.

Key attribute of this entity to assign a value to.
Type attribute of referenced entity.
Key attribute of the referenced entity from which to get a value.
This attribute hasn't been implemented yet.


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<var key="parent_id" entityType="category" entityKey="id" />


<requiredEntity> is an element that specifies the parent/child relationship between complex types.

Example: You have customer address info. To specify that relationship:

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<entity name="CustomerEntity" type="customer">
<requiredEntity type="address">AddressEntity</requiredEntity>
Type attribute of <requiredEntity>.


<array> is an element that contains a reference to an array of values.


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<entity name="AddressEntity" type="address">
<array key="street">
<item>7700 W Parmer Ln</item>
<item>Bld D</item>
Key attribute of this entity in which to assign a value.

<array> may contain <item> elements.


<item> is an individual piece of data to be passed in as part of the parent <array> type.

Key attribute of entity in which to assign a value. By default numeric key will be generated.
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