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CLI commands: vendor/bin/mftf

The Functional Testing Framework (MFTF) introduces the command line interface (CLI) tool vendor/bin/mftf to facilitate your interaction with the framework.

Note that mftf commands replace the robo commands that were used in previous releases.

Command format

In the project root directory (where you have installed the framework as a composer dependency), run commands using the following format:

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vendor/bin/mftf command [options] [<arguments>] [--remove|-r]

Useful commands

Use the following commands to run commonly performed tasks.

Apply the configuration parameters

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vendor/bin/mftf build:project

Upgrade the project

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vendor/bin/mftf build:project --upgrade

Upgrades all installed test after a major Functional Testing Framework upgrade.

Generate all tests

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vendor/bin/mftf generate:tests

Generate tests by test name

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vendor/bin/mftf generate:tests AdminLoginSuccessfulTest StorefrontPersistedCustomerLoginTest

Generate tests by testNames.txt file

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vendor/bin/mftf generate:tests -p path/to/your/testNames.txt

This command generate all tests specified in a testNames.txt file.


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Generate test by test and suite name

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vendor/bin/mftf generate:tests WYSIWYGDisabledSuite:AdminCMSPageCreatePageTest

Generate test dependencies

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vendor/bin/mftf generate:tests -l testEntityJson

This command generate json file consist of all test dependent module.

Generate test dependencies by test name

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vendor/bin/mftf generate:tests testName1 testName2 .. testNameN -l testEntityJson

Generate and run the tests for a specified group

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vendor/bin/mftf run:group product -r

This command cleans up the previously generated tests; generates and runs tests for the product group (where group="product").

Generate and run particular tests

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vendor/bin/mftf run:test AdminLoginSuccessfulTest StorefrontPersistedCustomerLoginTest -r

This command cleans up the previously generated tests; generates and runs the AdminLoginSuccessfulTest and StorefrontPersistedCustomerLoginTest tests.

Generate and run particular test in a specific suite's context

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vendor/bin/mftf run:test WYSIWYGDisabledSuite:AdminCMSPageCreatePageTest -r

This command cleans up previously generated tests; generates and run AdminCMSPageCreatePageTest within the context of the WYSIWYGDisabledSuite.

Generate and run a testManifest.txt file

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vendor/bin/mftf run:manifest path/to/your/testManifest.txt

This command runs all tests specified in a testManifest.txt file. When you generate tests, a testManifest.txt file is also generated for you. You can pass this file directly to the run:manifest command and it will execute all listed tests. You can also create your own file in the same format to execute a subset of tests. Note: This command does not generate tests.

Generate previously failed tests

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vendor/bin/mftf generate:failed

This command cleans up the previously generated tests; generates the tests listed in dev/tests/acceptance/tests/_output/failed. For more details about failed, refer to Reporting.

Run previously failed tests

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vendor/bin/mftf run:failed

This command runs the tests listed in dev/tests/acceptance/tests/_output/failed. For more details about failed, refer to Reporting.

Error tolerance during generation

Starting from version 3.2.0, the Functional Testing Framework will not fail right away when encountering generation errors. Instead, the Functional Testing Framework will generate as many tests and suites as it can, log errors to mftf.log, and exit with a non-zero generation status.


  • Not all errors are tolerable at generation. For example, schema validation errors, parser errors, and WebApi authentication errors will cause hard failures, with no tests or suites being generated.
  • Error tolerance in generation is meant to help local test development and testing and is expected to be run locally. All generation errors must be fixed in order to use other framework functionality, pass static checks, and to deliver test.




Clone the example configuration files and build the Codeception project.


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vendor/bin/mftf build:project [--upgrade] [config_param_options]


-u, --upgrade
Upgrades all installed test according to requirements of the last major release. Specifying this flag upgrades only those tests in the default location. Example: build:project --upgrade.

You can include options to set configuration parameter values for your environment since the project build process also sets up the environment.

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vendor/bin/mftf build:project --MAGENTO_BASE_URL=http://magento.local/ --MAGENTO_BACKEND_NAME=admin214365



Diagnose the Functional Testing Framework configuration and setup. Currently this command will check the following:

  • Verify admin credentials are valid. Allows the Functional Testing Framework to authenticate and run API requests to Adobe Commerce or Magento Open Source through cURL
  • Verify that Selenium is up and running and available for MFTF
  • Verify that new session of browser can open Admin and store front URLs
  • Verify that the Functional Testing Framework can run Adobe Commerce and Magento Open Source CLI commands


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vendor/bin/mftf doctor




Perform XML schema validation and generate PHP code from the tests defined in XML files. The path is set in the TESTS_MODULE_PATH configuration parameter.


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vendor/bin/mftf generate:tests [option] [<test name>] [<test name>] [--remove]


--config=[<default> or <singleRun> or <parallel>]
Creates a single manifest file with a list of all tests. The default location is tests/functional/Magento/FunctionalTest/_generated/testManifest.txt.
You can split the list into multiple groups using --config=parallel; the groups will be generated in _generated/groups/ like _generated/groups/group1.txt, group2.txt, ....
Available values: default (default), singleRun(same as default), and parallel.
Example: generate:tests --config=parallel.
Option to filter tests to be generated.
Template: '<filterName>:<filterValue>'.
Existing filter types: severity, includeGroup, excludeGroup.
Existing severity values: BLOCKER, CRITICAL, MAJOR, AVERAGE, MINOR.
Example: vendor/bin/mftf generate:tests --filter=severity:CRITICAL --filter=severity:BLOCKER --filter=includeGroup:customer
Forces test generation, regardless of the module merge order defined in the Adobe Commerce or Magento Open Source instance. Example: generate:tests --force.
Set time in minutes to determine the group size when --config=parallel is used.
Example: generate:tests --config=parallel --time=15
Option --time will be the default and the default value is 10 when neither --time nor --groups is specified.
Example: generate:tests --config=parallel
Set number of groups to be split into when --config=parallel is used.
Example: generate:tests --config=parallel --groups=300
Options --time and --groups are mutually exclusive and only one should be used.
Defines the test configuration as a JSON string or JSON file path.
Allows the framework to generate and run tests marked with <skip>.
Performs schema validations on XML files.
DEFAULT: generate:tests implicitly performs schema validation on merged files. It does not indicate the filename where the error is encountered.
DEVELOPER: --debug performs per-file validation and returns additional debug information (such as the filename where an error occurred) when test generation fails because of an invalid XML schema. This option takes extra processing time. Use it after test generation has failed once.
Removes the existing generated suites and tests cleaning up the _generated directory before the actual run. For example, generate:tests SampleTest --remove cleans up the entire _generated directory and generates SampleTest only.
Generate metadata files during test generation. Accepted parameters are: testEntityJson.

Examples of the JSON configuration

The configuration to generate a single test with no suites:

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"general_test1" //Generate the "general_test1" test.
"suites": null

The configuration to generate a single test in the suite:

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"tests": null, // No tests outside the suite configuration will be generated.
"sample":[ // The suite that contains the test.
"suite_test1" // The test to be generated.

Complex configuration to generate a few non-suite tests, a single test in a suite, and an entire suite:

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"suites":{ //Go to suites.
"sample":[ //Go to the "sample" suite.
"suite_test1" //Generate the "suite_test1" test.
"sample2":[] //Generate all tests in the "sample2" suite.

The command that encodes this complex configuration:

Command to generate test by json string:

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vendor/bin/mftf generate:tests --tests '{"tests":["general_test1","general_test2","general_test3"],"suites":{"sample":["suite_test1"],"sample2":null}}'

Note that the strings must be escaped and surrounded in quotes.

Command to generate test by json file:

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vendor/bin/mftf generate:tests --tests ./foldername/filename.json



Generates one or more suites based on XML declarations.


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vendor/bin/mftf generate:suite <suite name> [<suite name>] [--remove]


Removes the existing generated suites and tests cleaning up the _generated directory before the actual run. For example, vendor/bin/mftf generate:suite WYSIWYG --remove cleans up the entire _generated directory and generates WYSIWYG only.


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vendor/bin/mftf generate:suite suite1 suite2



Generates a URN catalog, enabling PhpStorm to recognize and highlight URNs. It also enables auto-completion in PhpStorm.


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vendor/bin/mftf generate:urn-catalog [--force] [<path to misc.xml>]

misc.xml is typically located at <project root>/.idea/misc.xml.


-f, --force
Creates the misc.xml file if it does not exist in the given path.


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vendor/bin/mftf generate:urn-catalog .idea/misc.xml



Cleans any configuration files and generated artifacts from the environment. The .env file is not affected.


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vendor/bin/mftf reset [--hard]


Forces a reset of the configuration files.


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vendor/bin/mftf reset --hard


Generates and executes the listed groups of tests using Codeception.


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vendor/bin/mftf run:group [--skip-generate|--remove|--xml] [--] <group1> [<group2>]


-k, --skip-generate
Skips generating from the source XML. Instead, the command executes previously-generated groups of tests.
-r, --remove
Removes previously generated suites and tests before the actual generation and run.
Performs schema validations on XML files. run:group implicitly performs schema validation on merged files. It does not indicate the filename where the error is encountered. --debug performs per-file validation and returns additional debug information (such as the filename where an error occurred).
Generate JUnit XML Log (default: "report.xml")


Clean up after the last test run; generate from XML and execute the tests with the annotations group="group1" and group="group2":

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vendor/bin/mftf -r -- run:group group1 group2

Execute previously generated tests with the annotations group="group1" and group="group2", skipping the regeneration of the test:

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vendor/bin/mftf run:group -k -- group1 group2


Generates and executes tests by name using Codeception.


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vendor/bin/mftf run:test [--skip-generate|--remove|--xml] [--] <name1> [<name2>]


-k, --skip-generate
Skips generating from the source XML. Instead, the command executes previously-generated groups of tests.
-r, --remove
Remove previously generated suites and tests.
Performs schema validations on XML files. run:test implicitly performs schema validation on merged files. It does not indicate the filename where the error is encountered. --debug performs per-file validation and returns additional debug information (such as the filename where an error occurred).
Generate JUnit XML Log (default: "report.xml")


Generate the LoginCustomerTest and StorefrontCreateCustomerTest tests from XML and execute all the generated tests:

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vendor/bin/mftf run:test LoginCustomerTest StorefrontCreateCustomerTest


Runs a testManifest.txt file.

This command runs all tests specified in a testManifest.xml file. It does not generate tests for you. You must do that as first.


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vendor/bin/mftf run:manifest path/to/your/testManifest.txt

Example testManifest.xml file

Each line should contain either: one test path or one group (-g) reference.

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-g PaypalTestSuite
-g SomeOtherSuite


Regenerates and reruns tests that previously failed.

This command cleans up previously generated tests. It generates and runs the tests listed in dev/tests/acceptance/tests/_output/failed. For more details about failed, refer to Reporting.


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vendor/bin/mftf run:failed


Performs schema validations on XML files. run:failed implicitly performs schema validation on merged files. It does not indicate the filename where the error is encountered. --debug performs per-file validation and returns additional debug information (such as the filename where an error occurred). Use it after test run has failed once.


Run the tests that failed in the previous run:

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vendor/bin/mftf run:failed


Updates the configuration parameter values in the [.env] file. Creates the .env file if it does not exist.


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vendor/bin/mftf setup:env [config_param_option1=<value>] [config_param_option2=<value>]

config_param is a configuration parameter from the .env file. The command consumes the parameters in a format of options assigned with values, for example --MAGENTO_BASE_URL=http://magento.local/. If you specify a parameter that the .env file does not contain, the command returns an error.

You can also update configuration parameter values when you use the build:project command.


To change values for the MAGENTO_BASE_URL and BROWSER:

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vendor/bin/mftf setup:env --MAGENTO_BASE_URL=http://magento.local/ --BROWSER=firefox

To create a .env file with example parameters:

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vendor/bin/mftf setup:env

The example parameters are taken from the etc/config/.env.example file.


Runs all or specific Functional Testing Framework static-checks on the test codebase that the Functional Testing Framework is currently attached to. Behavior for determining what tests to run is as follows:

  • If test names are specified, only those tests are run.
  • If no test names are specified, tests are run according to staticRuleset.json.
  • If no staticRuleset.json is found, all tests are run.

Static checks errors are written to *.txt files under TEST_BP/tests/_output/static-results/


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vendor/bin/mftf static-checks [<names>]...


-p, --path
Path to a test module to run "deprecatedEntityUsage" and "pauseActionUsage" static check scripts. Option is ignored by other static check scripts.


To check what existing static check scripts are available

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vendor/bin/mftf static-checks --help

To run all existing static check scripts

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vendor/bin/mftf static-checks

To run specific static check scripts

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vendor/bin/mftf static-checks testDependencies
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vendor/bin/mftf static-checks actionGroupArguments
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vendor/bin/mftf static-checks deprecatedEntityUsage
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vendor/bin/mftf static-checks pauseActionUsage
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vendor/bin/mftf static-checks annotations
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vendor/bin/mftf static-checks deprecatedEntityUsage -p path/to/mftf/test/module
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vendor/bin/mftf static-checks pauseActionUsage -p path/to/mftf/test/module
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vendor/bin/mftf static-checks testDependencies actionGroupArguments

Existing static checks

Checks that test dependencies do not violate Magento module's composer dependencies.
Checks that action groups do not have unused arguments.
Checks that deprecated test entities are not being referenced.
Checks various details of test annotations, such as missing annotations or duplicate annotations.
Checks that pause action is not used in action groups, tests or suites.

Defining ruleset

The static-checks command will look for a staticRuleset.json file under either:

  • dev/tests/acceptance/staticRuleset.json, if embedded with Magento2
  • dev/staticRuleset.json, if standalone

This file works as the default configuration to easily allow for the integration of static-checks in a CI environment. Currently, the ruleset only defines the tests to run. Here is an example of the expected format:

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"tests": [

Defining allow-list

Some static-checks allow modules to define an allow-list, which instructs the static check to ignore specific errors and allow checks to pass. All allow-list files must be placed in the root of the corresponding module's Test/Mftf folder.

The following static-checks use allow-list files:

  • testDependencies as test-dependency-allowlist


When the path argument is specified, this upgrade command applies all the major version Functional Testing Framework upgrade scripts to a Test Module in the given path. Otherwise, it will apply all the major version Functional Testing Framework upgrade scripts to all installed test components.

Test Module should have the directory structure of ActionGroup, Data, Metadata, Page, Section, Test, and Suite.


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vendor/bin/mftf upgrade:tests [<path>]

<path> is the path to a Functional Testing Framework Test Module that needs to be upgraded. The command searches recursively for any *.xml files to upgrade.


To upgrade all installed test:

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vendor/bin/mftf upgrade:tests

To upgrade all test components inside modules in the dev/tests/acceptance/tests/ directory:

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vendor/bin/mftf upgrade:tests /Users/user/magento2/dev/tests/acceptance/tests/

To upgrade all test components inside the Catalog module:

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vendor/bin/mftf upgrade:tests /Users/user/magento2/app/code/Magento/Catalog/Test/Mftf/


A Functional Testing Framework wrapper command that invokes vendor/bin/codecept run. This command runs tests in functional suite. Tests must be generated before using this command.


See the Run Command.

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vendor/bin/mftf codecept:run [<suite|test>] --[<option(s)>]


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# Run all tests in functional suite
vendor/bin/mftf codecept:run functional
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# Run all tests in functional suite with options
vendor/bin/mftf codecept:run functional --verbose --steps --debug
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# Run one test
vendor/bin/mftf codecept:run functional Magento/_generated/default/AdminCreateCmsPageTestCest.php --debug
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# Run all tests in default group
vendor/bin/mftf codecept:run functional --verbose --steps -g default
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