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General concepts

The tools provided by the PWA Studio project allows you to create websites that are fast, mobile-friendly, and reliable. This topic lists the basic concepts you need to know to work with PWA Studio tools.

Development concepts

CSS modules

CSS modules are modular and reusable CSS styles. This allows you to develop components with styles that do not conflict with external style definitions.

Configuration management

PWA Studio provides tools to help manage configurations across different environments, such as local development, staging, and production.


GraphQL is a specification for a data query language client side and a service layer on the server side. It is used to request and push data in a progressive web application.


Routing is the process of mapping a URL to specific page resources. Learn what tools PWA Studio provides to support both server-side and client-side routing.

State management

State management describes the way the application handles changing state data as a result of user interactions.


Peregrine Talons are the logic component counterparts for Venia UI components. Each Talon in Peregrine is designed to provide data or perform side effects for a specific Venia UI component.

Application features

Application shell

An application shell provides the basic user interface structure for a progressive web application.

Client-side caching

Client-side caching is the process of storing data into a local cache after a network fetch.

Content rendering

Content rendering explains how a browser gets the final HTML content for a requested page.


Learn about PWA Studio's extensibility framework and how you can extend the base Venia storefront application.


Internationalization (i18n) is a feature that lets you localize content for a culture, region, or language.

Common terms

The following is a list of common terms and definitions associated with PWA Studio development.

Service worker : A service worker is a script that runs in the background. Progressive web applications use service workers for caching and resource retrieval.

Component data binding : Component data binding refers to the way data flows between the source and a UI component. Progressive web applications use data binding patterns to connect dynamic data with the user interface.

Client state, reducers, and actions : Client state, reducers, and actions are Redux concepts used to manage and handle the state of a web application.

Loading and offline states : Loading and offline are both states that must be handled by progressive web applications.

Container extensibility : Writing extensible containers allow others to re-use and alter your container without modifying the source.

Performance patterns : Performance is an important feature for a progressive web app. There are many strategies and patterns available to help boost the performance of a PWA.

Root components and routing : The root component of an application is the DOM node under which all other nodes are managed by React. Routing is the ability to map a URL pattern to the appropriate handler.

Critical path : The critical path for rendering refers to the steps the browser takes to process the HTML, CSS, and JavaScript files to display a website. Optimizing the critical path is important to get the best performance out of a progressive web application.

Next steps

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