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Transform Requests

The built-in transformModules target is a powerful way to customize the build process for a particular file or set of files. Many common Targets are implemented using the transformModules target and a custom transformer module. Interceptors of this target receive a single function as their first argument. This is the addTransform function documented below.



Configuration builder for module transforms. Accepts TransformRequests and emits loader config objects for Buildpack's custom transform loaders.

Understands all transform types and normalizes them correctly. Mostly this involves resolving the file paths using Webpack or Node resolution rules.

For some special types of transform, ModuleTransformConfig has helpers to apply the requested transforms itself. But configureWebpack consumes most of the transforms by calling transformConfig.collect() on this object, which yields a structured object that configureWebpack can use to set up loader and plugin configuration.



Add a request to transform a file in the build. This function is passed as the first argument to an interceptor of the transformModules target.

TransformRequest : Object

Instruction for configuring Webpack to apply custom transformations to one particular file. The configureWebpack() function gathers TransformRequests from all interceptors of the transformModules target and turns them into a configuration of Webpack module rules.

Configuration builder for module transforms. Accepts TransformRequests and emits loader config objects for Buildpack's custom transform loaders.

Understands all transform types and normalizes them correctly. Mostly this involves resolving the file paths using Webpack or Node resolution rules.

For some special types of transform, ModuleTransformConfig has helpers to apply the requested transforms itself. But configureWebpack consumes most of the transforms by calling transformConfig.collect() on this object, which yields a structured object that configureWebpack can use to set up loader and plugin configuration.


Resolver to use when finding real paths of modules requested.
The name of the PWA project being built, taken from the package.json name field.

Add a request to transform a file in the build. This function is passed as the first argument to an interceptor of the transformModules target.

Returns: null


Instruction object for the requested transform, including the transform to apply, the target source code, and other options.

Resolve paths and emit as JSON.

Returns: object — Configuration object


Process the source code of fileToTransform through the transformModule as text. When applying a source TransformRequest, Buildpack will use the transformModule as a Webpack loader, so it must implement that interface. Any Webpack loader can be used as a transformModule for source TransformRequests. source transforms are fast and can run on source code of any language, but they aren't as precise and safe as AST-type transforms when modifying code.
Process the abstract syntax tree of the ES module specified by fileToTransform through the transformModule as a Babel AST. When applying a babel TransformRequest, Buildpack will use the transformModule as a Babel plugin, so it must implement that interface. Any Babel plugin can be used as a transformModule for babel TransformRequests. babel transforms are powerful and versatile, giving the transformer much more insight into the structure of the source code to modify. However, they are slower than source transforms, and they can only work on ES Modules.

Add a request to transform a file in the build. This function is passed as the first argument to an interceptor of the transformModules target.

Returns: null


Instruction object for the requested transform, including the transform to apply, the target source code, and other options.

Instruction for configuring Webpack to apply custom transformations to one particular file. The configureWebpack() function gathers TransformRequests from all interceptors of the transformModules target and turns them into a configuration of Webpack module rules.


The type of transformation to apply.
Resolvable path to the file to be transformed itself, the same path that you'd use in import or require().
Absolute path to the Node module that will actually be doing the transforming. This path may be resolved using different rules at different times, so it's best for this path to always be absolute.
Config values to send to the transform function. Note: Options should be serializable to JSON as Webpack loader options and/or Babel plugin options..

Source Code: pwa-studio/packages/pwa-buildpack/lib/WebpackTools/ModuleTransformConfig.js

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