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Revenue share

The revenue share enables the Marketplace team to curate content, and maintain the necessary review and verification process to ensure a high-quality experience for merchants, and a healthy ecosystem for providers. This business model supports our marketing effort to promote Commerce Marketplace, and increases the demand for the products that our providers bring to market.

All Commerce Marketplace sales are subject to a 85/15 revenue share split, with 85% of the revenue for the provider and 15% for Adobe. Sales subject to the revenue share include both paid extensions and converted indirect leads from software as a service (SaaS), or subscription-based products such as a subscription-based paid extension or a free extension bundled with a paid subscription. All product/service bundles are subject to the same 85/15 revenue share business model.

Adobe reserves the right to charge commission on sales of Apps submitted after 2023. Adobe will communicate the commission model for Apps submitted outside of 2023 at a later date. Adobe pays 85% of the revenue, minus any amount that is required to be withheld by the U. S. government Internal Revenue Service (IRS). Payment terms and processing fees are clearly stated and agreed upon at the time the extension and/or service is submitted to Marketplace. Payout is provided through PayPal

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