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Product descriptions

Every product submitted requires a long, detailed description of the product as part of the marketing submission process. Some products, such as integration extensions and payment extensions, have additional requirements for their long descriptions.

Long description (required)

A detailed opening paragraph that describes the product.

  • Make it clear what the product can do for the customer and how the extension works.
  • You may want to give examples of cases when the product might be used.
  • Leave the merchant with a solid understanding of how their site will appear and function if they purchase your extension.
  • Do NOT include a heading before the opening paragraph.

List of features (required)

  • Add a "Features" heading, using H3 or H2 tags.
  • List features vertically with bullet points (minimum 5).
  • Only use the bullet point button in the Admin to create the bullet points.
  • Provide hyperlinks to functioning demos.
  • Remember to label them and provide sign credentials if needed.

Heading Levels

Use headings for any additional sections. Use only after "Features" section. (H3 or H2 tags)

  • Headings can be Black or Orange only.
  • Provide hyperlinks to functioning demos.
  • Remember to label them and provide sign credentials if needed.

Optional additions

  • List of benefits
  • Links to documentation
  • Support links
  • Use cases
  • Examples
  • Highlights

Frequent reasons for rejection

  • Using stylized fonts or colors (except for headings)
  • Including installation instructions in the long description
  • Not hyperlinking URLs
  • Saying "This Magento extension" or "Magento 2 Newsletter Subscription extension" instead of "This extension for Magento" or "Newsletter Subscription extension for Magento 2"
  • Not capitalizing the "M" in "Magento"

Integration extensions and apps

These are in addition to all standard requirements (opening paragraph, features, demos, etc.)

  • Add an introductory paragraph (BEFORE the opening paragraph) that gives background information on the company / service being integrated. Make the first mention of the company a BOLD hyperlink that leads to the corresponding company website.
  • Add an "Account and Pricing" heading, using H3 or H2 tags.
  • Under the "Account and Pricing" heading, add the following example in BOLD. Make it clear that a separate account is required. Specify whether or not the account is created during extension installation. Supply a link to the sign-up page. Specify if the SERVICE (not the extension) is free or if there are additional fees for the service/account. Add a link to the pricing page.


Account and Pricing Example 1:

An additional ______ account is required, and additional fees apply. The account is not created during extension installation. To create an Account please visit the signup page. For more details please visit the company payment page.

Account and Pricing Example 2:

To use this extension, you need to sign up for a _______ service account here. Transaction fees will be charged for every transaction. Transaction fees vary from merchant to merchant, based on what is agreed upon with _______ when negotiating your contract. ______ does not provide pricing details publicly. For more information and to register, please contact Lorem@Ipsum.com directly.

Alternative: "For more information and to register, please visit the company contact form."

Payment extensions and apps

These are in addition to all standard requirements and integration requirements (integration paragraph, opening paragraph, account and pricing information, features, demos, etc.)

Add security and PCI compliance information. The merchant must know their responsibilities regarding PCI and Security.

  • Add information about how customer data is used and stored.
  • Is this handled through popup? Redirect? Both?
  • Is tokenization used?
  • Does any customer data cross over the Magento server?
  • Is any data stored on the Magento server?


Example 1:

Upon checkout, customers are redirected to the _____ website. The customer enters his or her payment information directly into our secure environment so that the web shop never comes into contact with the customers payment data. Once the payment process is complete, customers will redirected back to your store. No customer data is ever entered into, or stored on, the Magento server.

Example 2:

We employ the industry\'s best security practices and tools to maintain bank-level security for merchants and end customers. _____ is PCI DSS Level I and GDPR compliant. Our secure checkout runs as an iFrame modal over your website. Tokenization is used to run transactions with stored payment information. No confidential card data is ever stored on your server.

Example 3:

ATTENTION: Use this extension at your own risk. Sensitive customer payment data is stored on your server. Merchants are expected to take every precaution that they are fully PCI certified. Please only purchase this extension if you have an environment where storing credit card information is permitted by law.

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