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Define the business value

Marketplace listings with a clearly stated business value are easy for us to promote, and easy for customers to find.


  • All listings should address a business need by solving an issue or enhancing existing functionality.
  • Any listing that does not serve a useful purpose will be rejected.


  • Create an app or extension that addresses a specific business case or solves a common problem faced by merchants.
  • Take a survey to see what extensions and apps are already available on Commerce Marketplace.
  • Differentiate your extension or app from other solutions. Be innovative, and do not copy ideas from other developers.


  • Items listed on Commerce Marketplace can be offered for free, or sold as commercial products.
  • Items offered for sale on Commerce Marketplace must reflect fair market value. The minimum price for a paid, flat fee extension is $25. The minimum price for a subscription is $10. If the extension is also available for sale on your site, the prices must be the same.
  • All purchases are paid for in US currency.
  • Items sold on Commerce Marketplace are subject to a revenue sharing fee that is paid by the developer.


  • Create an app or extension that has broad appeal.
  • Your app or extension might be rejected if it appeals to only a small number of merchants.


  • We will do our best to put your app or extension in front of merchants, but we need your help!
  • Be your own cheerleader.
  • Create case studies that show the traction you have with merchants, and tell success stories of merchants who use your app or extension.
  • Establish yourself as a strong partner. Work closely with the Marketplace team to help us highlight your work.
  • If there is an apparent lack of interest in your app or extension, we will review any issues with you. If after a period of time the level of interest does not improve, the app or extension might be removed from Commerce Marketplace.
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