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There is no corresponding GraphQL or SOAP API.

The Marketplace EQP API gives you access to your Marketplace Developer Portal resources. These resources are managed by a set of REST API endpoints.

Overview of resources

Obtain a session token
Manage your profile
Manage your profile avatar, ZIP files, image files, PDF documents
Initiate and manage your submissions
test results
Receive information about automated and manual reviews
Get information about your sales, as well as your Commerce Marketplace web pages
API callbacks
Request notification as specific workflow activities happen

General concepts

Base URLs

The API endpoints only accept encrypted communications using HTTPS at the following base URLs:

EnvironmentBase Url


The Marketplace EQP API is based on REST concepts and uses standard HTTP verbs:

HTTP VerbUsage
Retrieves a resource, or retrieves a collection of that resource
Creates a resource
Updates the entire resource, or updates part of a resource (when acting like a PATCH)
Removes a resource

API versioning

All endpoints start with /rest/v1, which supports versioning. The initial release is version 1 (v1).


  • Except when creating the file resource, all requests are formatted using JSON.
  • All responses are formatted using JSON.

UTC timestamps

All timestamps are in UTC (universal time coordinated).

Batch processing

Some endpoints can handle a batch request, such as the following:

Copied to your clipboard
POST /rest/v1/products/packages
PUT /rest/v1/products/packages // used when updating multiple packages in one request

Batch response

Endpoints that are batch requests return responses as follows. See specific examples in the section about handling errors.

Complete processing failure

  • If an error occurs with the entire payload (for example, the user is not authorized to make the request) the appropriate HTTP 4xx code will be returned.
  • No additional processing of the batch request was attempted, and therefore there will not be any itemized response.

Typical processing

  • If the batch request can be processed, the overall HTTP code of the batch response will always be HTTP 200 OK regardless of the pass/fail status of the items in the batch.
  • The batch response contains information about every item in the batch request.
  • The order of these items matches the order in the batch request.
  • Every item in the batch response includes two additional fields that indicate the pass/fail status of the operation on that item:
    • code - Contains an integer status code related to the operation. Failure of an operation is indicated by a non-200 value
    • message - Contains a human readable message that describes the reason for the code.
  • Items in a batch that can be completed successfully will be completed, regardless of the pass/fail status of other items in the batch.

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