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API access keys

What is an API access key

  • An API access key is a pair consisting of an application ID and an application secret.
  • Use an API access key to obtain a session token. The session token is used when calling the REST endpoints.
  • You decide the lifespan of your API access key: you can regenerate it as often as you wish, or you can choose to delete it.
  • API access keys are specific to each Marketplace Developer Portal environment. API access keys generated for the sandbox cannot be used for production, and vice-versa.
  • For each Marketplace Developer Portal environment, you have a limit of three (3) API access keys.

How do I create an API access key

Create a new API access key

  1. From the Marketplace Developer Portal, sign in, click on your name (top, right corner), and choose either the Account Information or the Marketplace Profile link.

  2. From the left-hand side navigation menu, click on Manage API Keys.

  3. If you are not eligible you will see the following screen. You will not be able to create an API access key, and thus you will not be able to use the Marketplace EQP API. Not Eligible to Use the Marketplace EQP API

  4. If you are eligible to use the Marketplace EQP API, you will see the following screen. Empty List of API Access Keys

  5. Click Create API Access Key.

  6. In the "Create New API Key" dialog, enter an API Key Name. This name is for your own use. Then, click Continue. Create API Access Key Dialog

  7. Your new API access key appears in the list. Notice that your API access key has an associated application ID and an application secret. New API Access Key Added

Manage your API access keys

  • From the list of your API access keys, you can regenerate the key.
    • Regenerating the key will result in a new pair of the application ID and application secret.
    • Once regenerated, the previous pair can no longer be used to obtain a session token.
    • However, any session tokens obtained from the previous key will remain valid, until those session tokens expire.
  • From the list of your API access keys, you can delete the key.
    • Once deleted, the key can no longer be used to obtain a session token.
    • However, any session tokens obtained from the previous key will remain valid, until those session tokens expire.
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