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uiElement class

The uiElement class is a direct successor of the uiClass library. When creating a new component, use the uiElement class as a direct parent, if your component will be the last in the components hierarchy chain.

uiElement source code is <Magento_Ui_module_dir>/view/base/web/js/lib/core/element/element.js, in the Magento Open Source GitHub repository: app/code/Magento/Ui/view/base/web/js/lib/core/element/element.js.

Commonly used methods

  • The initLinks() method implements component communication by using links.js. initLinks() introduces processing of the exports, imports, links and listens properties.

  • The initObservable() method allows you to declare observable variables within the same instance.


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    initObservable: function () {
    return this;


    • the observe() method is a wrapper for the ko.observable() and ko.observableArray() methods. It converts the properties of the current method into the observable properties. observe([{Boolean} isTracked,] {String|Array|Object} listOfProperties):

      • isTracked - {Boolean}, optional, - defines access usage: whether to use observable properties (isTracked = false) or property accessors (isTracked = true).
      • listOfProperties - {String} is treated as space-separated list of properties' names. Initial values will be used from current instance (when corresponding property exist).
      • listOfProperties - {Array} a list of properties' names. Initial values will be used from current instance (when corresponding property exist).
      • listOfProperties - {Object} a list of properties' names. Initial values will be used from this object.
    • the track(listOfProperties) method is equal to observe(true, listOfProperties).

      The main difference between observe() and track() is that observe() is mainly used without first boolean argument. So it really converts properties to observable functions. It changes how property can be accessed. Otherwise track() uses property accessors. So property access remains the same.


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      this.observable = 1;
      this.observable(2); // setter
      this.observable(); // getter
      this.trackable = 1;
      this.trackable = 2; // setter
      this.trackable; // getter
  • The initModules() method initializes external UI components' instances and links them to local variables. This method works with the modules section of the configuration, where we define the name of the external instance and the local variable. The modules section is an object where each key is the variable's name and each value is the instance's name. A developer does not need to be concerned with the instantiation of the module (external instance), because the initModules() method will resolve the variable when the instance is instantiated.


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    // Config, where the `modules` property is declared
    defaults: {
    modules: {
    '%myProperty%': '%linkToTheComponent%'
  • The getTemplate() method returns a file path to UI component's template.

  • The hasTemplate() method verifies that the template property was specified in the instance configuration.

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