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Configuration flow

The following section covers the configuration flow of UI components. Before a UI component is finally displayed on a web page, its configuration undergoes a series of modifications. Starting from the initial reading of the top-level component instance's XML declaration, all the way to the merging of module-specific options.

When the server generates a page response, the configuration of these components in the .xml declaration files is then modified by the .php modifiers, and then finally this combined configuration is packed into JSON format and added into the HTTP response body.

On the client-side, this JSON is processed by Magento_Ui/js/core/app where Magento_Ui/js/core/app is an alias for the app.js file. The JSON could be seen in the page source. The Magento_Ui/js/core/app creates the UI components instances according to the configuration of the JSON using uiLayout.

The JavaScript application bounds these instances to the corresponding .html templates, if there are any .html templates declared in JSON for that particular component. The top-level UI component is bound to the page by the scope Knockout binding.

Implementation details

This section provides more detailed steps about the configuration flow.

Lets consider an example with the top-level UI component, form.

Lets imagine we have the following file structure in our module <My_Module>:

  • layout .xml file of the Module's page: my_page.xml
  • top-level UI Component (form or listing) configuration: my_form.xml
  • .php modifiers that are specific to the module

Keep in mind that the Magento_UI module contains these important files:

  • A general, module-agnostic form definition in the <form> node of the .xml definition file: <Magento_Ui_module_dir>/view/base/ui_component/etc/definition.xml
  • Default .xhtml template for the form, which is referenced in definition.xml: <Magento_Ui_module_dir>/view/base/ui_component/templates/form/default.xhtml
  • The Form class, which is referenced in definition.xml: <Magento_Ui_module_dir>/view/base/web/js/form/form.js

When the request for my_page comes, the server does the following:

  1. Determines which UI components are used in this particular layout. In the example, the UI components that are used are defined in the my_form component's .xml declaration file.
  2. Searches the .xml files with name my_form among all modules. The server then merges all the my_form.xml file(s) into a single configuration object, thus overriding the common properties, so that the latest my_form.xml file always has the highest priority.
  3. Merges the resulting configuration (from Step 2 above) with the configuration from the UI module definition.xml. The UI module definition.xml configuration file has the lowest priority, and is overwritten by the merged configuration of all my_form.xml files.
  4. Translates the resulting configuration into JSON format and adds it to response body the following way:
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<script type="text/x-magento-init">{"*": {"Magento_Ui/js/core/app":{<JSON_configuration>}}}</script>

Now it is the client's turn to process this JSON and generate the UI component's instances. The flow is following:

  1. RequireJS requires Magento_Ui/js/core/app and passes JSON configuration as a parameter.
  2. The Magento_Ui/js/core/app calls layout.js and passes the UI component's configuration into the layout: <Magento_Ui_module_dir>/view/base/web/js/core/renderer/layout.js.
  3. layout.js creates instances of UI components. That means that each UI component's configuration must have an explicitly declared the component property in JSON. This property references the .js file. For example, our form has the component declared in JSON like this: "my_form":{"component":"Magento_Ui/js/form/form"}. So the instance of this class is created, and properties from the JSON overwrites the properties from the UI component's defaults property. Then resulting properties become the first-level properties of the newly created UI component's instance, and the original defaults property is deleted.
  4. The UI components' .html templates (if there are any) are rendered by knockout.js template engine. This means, that bootstrap.js (required by app.js) passes our own template engine for the Knockout.
  5. The bootstrap.js binds the component as a Model behind this View (template) using Knockout bindings. The UI components are now displayed on the page, and are fully interactive.
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