uiClass library

The uiClass is an abstract class from which all components are extended. The uiClass is a low-level class and is rarely used as direct parent for UI components' classes.

uiClass source code is <Magento_Ui_module_dir>/view/base/web/js/lib/core/class.js, in the Magento Open Source GitHub repository: app/code/Magento/Ui/view/base/web/js/lib/core/class.js

Commonly used methods

The uiClass class introduces the architecture of UI components through the following methods:

  • The extend() method implements inheritance of UI components. The extend() returns new class. The extend() method gets a JavaScript object as a parameter, and then extends the base object with the properties and methods of the argument's object. The properties of the argument's object have higher priority than base object's properties. As an example: %componentName%.extend(%JavaScript_extender_object%);

  • The initConfig() method processes the UI component's configurations. The initConfig() method gets as a parameter the JavaScript configuration object, which is then merged with the default configuration (declared in the UI Component that calls the initConfig() method) and in the parent UI component. This resulting configuration is then set as first level properties in the current UI component instance.

    As an example:

    Copied to your clipboard
    defaults: {
    myFirstProperty: 0,
    mySecondProperty: 1
    //Before executing initConfig method:
    console.log(this.myFirstProperty) // Undefined
    console.log(this.mySecondProperty) // Undefined
    //After executing initConfig method:
    console.log(this.myFirstProperty) // 0
    console.log(this.mySecondProperty) // 1
  • The initialize() method is called during instantiation. It can be used to add custom functionality executed only once, during component instance creation.

    As an example:

    Copied to your clipboard
    initialize: function () {
    return this;
  • The _super() method calls the parent UI component method with the same name as the _super() method's caller. If that method does not exists in the parent UI component, then the method tries to find it higher in the inheritance chain.

    As an example:

    Copied to your clipboard
    initialize: function () {
    this._super(); //_super will call parent's `initialize` method here
    return this;

Commonly used properties

The defaults property declares the list of properties of a UI component's instance. Also it declares communications between components if needed.

As an example:

Copied to your clipboard
defaults: {
%yourCustomProperty%: '',
imports: {
%yourCustomProperty%: '%anotherComponentLink%',
disabled: 'checked'
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