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Add a custom editor

This tutorial goes through the process of adding CKEditor4 as an editor that can be used by the WYSIWYG UI component.

As a developer, use this tutorial as a guide for adding your own custom JavaScript editor to Magento.

Step 1. Make the editor library available

Download and install your editor's library into your module's view/base/web/js directory to have the application publish it under pub/static.

Step 2. Register editor

In your module's etc/adminhtml/di.xml file, add your editor to the list of adapterOptions to include it to the list of available WYSIWYG editors in the Admin.

Provide unique values for the name parameter and the value and label entries for your editor to avoid naming collisions.

If you are also extending or overriding the configuration for Variable, Widget, or Gallery, you must use the same string as the value entry.

CKEditor registration in app/code/CKEditor/CKEditor4/etc/adminhtml/di.xml

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<type name="Magento\Cms\Model\Config\Source\Wysiwyg\Editor">
<argument name="adapterOptions" xsi:type="array">
<item name="ckeditor" xsi:type="array">
<item name="value" xsi:type="string">CKEditor_CKEditor4/ckeditor4Adapter</item>
<item name="label" xsi:type="string" translatable="true">ckeditor</item>

To avoid issues in the case that we remove or disable the adapter module, add this configuration to the di.xml file:

Configuration in di.xml

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<config xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:ObjectManager/etc/config.xsd">
<type name="Magento\Ui\Block\Wysiwyg\ActiveEditor">
<argument name="availableAdapterPaths" xsi:type="array">
<item name="CKEditor_CKEditor4/ckeditor4Adapter" xsi:type="string"/>

Step 3. Create editor adapter

Create an adapter for your editor in your module's view/base/web directory. This adapter should implement the extensions points called by wysiwygInstance in the following file:


At minimum your adapter should implement the following methods:

  • getAdapterPrototype()
  • setup( mode )
  • openFileBrowser( o )
  • toggle()
  • onFormValidation()
  • encodeContent(content)

If you are integrating entities such as variable and widget as plugins, your adapter must also implement the following methods:

  • get( id ) - returns the editor by it element id

  • getContent() - returns the content stored in the WYSIWYG field

  • setContent(content) - replaces the entire contents of the WYSIWYG with the string content parameter

  • insertContent( content ) - inserts content into the editor

  • setCaretOnElement( targetElement ) - sets the caret location in the editor

  • activeEditor() - returns the active editor as an object with a selection property.

    The selection property returns an instance of the editor with the following additional methods defined:

    • getBookmark( type:Number, normalized:Boolean ):Object - returns a bookmark object that has the location for the current selection.

      This is used to restore the selection after content modification in the document.

    • moveToBookmark( bookmark:Object ):Boolean - restores the selection of the specified bookmark.

    • getNode():Element - returns the currently selected element or common ancestor element for both start and end of the selection.

    • select( targetElement ) - selects the specified element.

      This places the start and end of the selection range around the element.

    • collapse( to_start:Boolean ):void - collapse the selection to start or end of range.

Example: CKEditor/CKEditor4/view/base/web/ckeditor4Adapter.js

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* Copyright [first year code created] Adobe
* All Rights Reserved.
/* global varienGlobalEvents, tinyMceEditors, MediabrowserUtility, closeEditorPopup, Base64 */
/* eslint-disable strict */
], function (jQuery, _, ckeditor4) {
var ckeditorWysiwyg = Class.create();
ckeditorWysiwyg.prototype = {
mediaBrowserOpener: null,
mediaBrowserTargetElementId: null,
* @param {*} htmlId
* @param {Object} config
initialize: function (htmlId, config) {
this.id = htmlId;
this.config = config;
if (typeof ckeditorWysiwyg === 'undefined') {
window.ckeditorWysiwyg = $H({});
var settings = '';
ckeditorWysiwyg.settings = this.config;
settings = $H({});
if (this.config.plugins) {
this.config.plugins.each(function (plugin) {
settings.set(plugin.name, plugin.options);
this.config.magentoPluginsOptions = settings;
this.config.elements = this.id;
ckeditor4.settings = this.config;
* @param {*} mode
setup: function (mode) {
* Insert content to active editor.
* @param {String} content
* @param {Boolean} ui
insertContent: function (content, ui) {
* @param {Object} o
openFileBrowser: function (o) {
* Encodes the content so it can be inserted into the wysiwyg
* @param {String} content - The content to be encoded
* @returns {*} - The encoded content
updateContent: function (content) {
* On form validation.
onFormValidation: function () {
if (tinyMCE4.get(this.id)) {
$(this.id).value = tinyMCE4.get(this.id).getContent();
* @param {String} id
get: function (id) {
return ckeditor4.instances[id];
* @return {Object}
activeEditor: function () {
var activeInstance = false;
_.each(ckeditor4.instances, function (instance) {
if (instance.activeEnterMode === 1) {
activeInstance = instance;
instance.getBookmark = function () {
return null;
instance.moveToBookmark = function () {
return instance;
instance.getNode = function () {
return instance.getSelection();
instance.getNode = function () {
return instance.getSelection();
activeInstance.selection = instance;
return activeInstance;
* @param {*} mode
* @return {tinyMceWysiwygSetup}
turnOn: function (mode) {
* @return {tinyMceWysiwygSetup}
turnOff: function () {
return this;
* Retrieve directives URL with substituted directive value.
* @param {String} directive
makeDirectiveUrl: function (directive) {
* @param {Object} content
* @return {*}
encodeDirectives: function (content) {
* @param {Object} content
* @return {*}
encodeWidgets: function (content) {
* @param {Object} content
* @return {*}
decodeDirectives: function (content) {
* @param {Object} content
* @return {*}
decodeWidgets: function (content) {
* @param {Object} attributes
* @return {Object}
parseAttributesString: function (attributes) {
* Update text area.
updateTextArea: function () {
setCaretOnElement: function (targetElement) {
* @param {Object} content
* @return {*}
decodeContent: function (content) {
* @return {Boolean}
toggle: function () {
return this.wysiwygInstance.toggle();
* @param {Object} content
* @return {*}
encodeContent: function (content) {
* @param {Object} o
beforeSetContent: function (o) {
* @param {Object} o
saveContent: function (o) {
* @returns {Object}
getAdapterPrototype: function () {
return ckeditorWysiwyg;
* Return the content stored in the WYSIWYG field
* @param {String} id
* @return {String}
getContent: function (id) {
return ckeditorWysiwyg.prototype;

Step 4. Load editor library

After loading, modifying, and merging all configurations, the application serializes the result into a JSON object and passes it to the UI component.

In your module's view/base/requirejs-config.js file, add a shim configuration entry for your editor in order to have RequireJS load it correctly.

Example: CKEditor\CKEditor4\view\base\requirejs-config.js

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var config = {
"shim": {
"CKEditor_CKEditor4/js/ckeditor4/ckeditor": { "exports": "CKEDITOR" }
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