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Use breakpoints for widgets

Using breakpoints in Page Builder involves adding custom data to a breakpoint configuration so that you can use that data to control the responsive behavior of content types from widgets.

The Products widget.js provides a good example of why you might need to do this and how it works. Within the widget, the min-width and max-width strings are passed to a matchMedia() function. This method creates a list of media queries created from the min-width and max-width values from all the breakpoints defined in the view.xml file. When the browser width matches one of the query breakpoints, matchMedia() invokes a callback function on the widget. The widget can then respond to the breakpoint by calling functions and changing configurations on other controls like the slick carousel.

Let's look closer at how the Products content type uses data from the view.xml configuration to control the number of products displayed in its carousel component at different breakpoints.

All breakpoints define an options node for products as shown here in the tablet breakpoint:

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<var name="tablet">
<var name="conditions">
<var name="max-width">1024px</var>
<var name="min-width">768px</var>
<var name="options">
<var name="products">
<var name="default">
<var name="slidesToShow">4</var>
<var name="continuous">
<var name="slidesToShow">3</var>

On the frontend, when a breakpoint is active, the Products widget gets the slidesToShow value defined for that breakpoint in the view.xml configuration. The widget then passes that value to its internal carousel to show the number of products defined for the current breakpoint.

Like other content type widgets, the Product's widget is loaded on the frontend. However, the Product's widget also needs to listen for viewport stage events (stage:viewportChangeAfter) when the Products content type is rendered inside a Block or Dynamic Block on the stage. In such cases, the widget breakpoint functions (called on the frontend) do not work. That's why you see a frontend widget defining a backend event handler.

To capture and respond to events on the Admin stage and the frontend, you need to create two types of event handlers:

  • Frontend event handler using the matchMedia function
  • Stage event handler for Page Builder's stage:viewportChangeAfter events.

Frontend event handler

For the frontend, use the matchMedia polyfill from lib/web/matchMedia.js. Adobe Commerce uses this polyfill in the Blank and Luma themes as described in JavaScript in Commerce responsive design.

The Products widget uses it as shown in this fragment:

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], function ($, _, mediaCheck, breakpointsUtils, events) {
'use strict';
return function (config, element) {
_.each(config.breakpoints, function (breakpoint) {
media: breakpointsUtils.buildMedia(breakpoint.conditions),
entry: function () {
initSlider($element, slickConfig, breakpoint);

Stage event handler

For the Admin stage, use the stage:viewportChangeAfter event to control responsive changes to your content type from within your widget.

As mentioned for the Products widget, your widget should handle this event for cases where your content type is contained within a Block or Dynamic Block. In these cases, your content type's widget is loaded in the Admin, not your preview component.

The Products content type implements the following event handler in its widget.js:

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events.on('stage:viewportChangeAfter', function (args) {
var breakpoint = config.breakpoints[args.viewport];
initSlider($element, slickConfig, breakpoint);

In both handlers, the event handler uses the breakpoint/viewport name to access the slidesToShow value, then uses that value to re-initialize the Products carousel (the slick slider) to show a suitable number of products for the selected viewport width, when displayed on the stage.

Notice how the viewport data in both event handlers is accessed using dot syntax according to the hierarchy defined in the view.xml configuration file. For example, the preview.ts file, data for the local this.slidesToShow property is accessed using the viewport name from args, as shown here:

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this.slidesToShow = parseFloat(viewports[args.viewport].options.products.default.slidesToShow);


In Page Builder, breakpoints provide your content type widgets with the custom, breakpoint-specific data they need to control responsive behavior that cannot otherwise be controlled from media queries alone.

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