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Change breakpoints and viewports

Changing breakpoints and viewports is about changing Page Builder's default min-width and max-width values to match your responsive design needs.

The following list shows Page Builder's default min-width and max-width values for breakpoints and viewports:


  • <var name="min-width">1024px</var>


  • <var name="max-width">1024px</var>

  • <var name="min-width">768px</var>


  • <var name="max-width">768px</var>

  • <var name="min-width">640px</var>

  • <var name="media">only screen and (max-width: 768px)</var>


  • <var name="max-width">640px</var>

By default, Page Builder defines only one viewport media query for the mobile breakpoint. But you may find that your instance of Page Builder has a viewport media query defined for each breakpoint.

Steps for changing breakpoints

You can change Page Builder's existing breakpoints using an Admin theme or module. The following steps apply to both.

  1. Add an overriding view.xml file

  2. Change the min-width and max-width

  3. Change the viewport media queries (as needed)

  4. Change your frontend media queries (as needed)

  5. Change the viewport stage CSS (as needed)

You can skip steps 3-5 if you are changing or adding new breakpoints without viewport configurations. These include the tablet and mobile-small breakpoints. Otherwise, you need to complete all these steps to ensure that the breakpoint and viewport widths are the same.

Step 1: Create an overriding view.xml file

Start by copying Page Builder's view.xml file to your module or Admin theme's etc directory: Vendor/Module/etc/view.xml. Technically, in your view.xml file, you can remove the nodes you don't change and rely on Magento's XML merging to include Page Builder's view.xml. However, during development, it's helpful to keep Page Builder's nodes in place as a reminder of the configuration data Page Builder uses from the nodes you don't change.

Step 2: Change the min-width and max-width

Page Builder uses the min-width and max-width values to generate media queries that control the breakpoint settings for JavaScript widgets (like the products widget). Here's an example that changes the mobile-small max-width to 480px and adjusts the min-width on the mobile breakpoint to match:

Copied to your clipboard
<var name="mobile">
<var name="label">Mobile</var>
<var name="stage">true</var>
<var name="class">mobile-switcher</var>
<var name="icon">Magento_PageBuilder::css/images/switcher/switcher-mobile.svg</var>
<var name="media">only screen and (max-width: 768px)</var>
<var name="conditions">
<var name="max-width">768px</var>
<var name="min-width">480px</var>
<var name="mobile-small">
<var name="conditions">
<var name="max-width">480px</var>

Step 3: Change the viewport media queries

If you are changing a breakpoint that doesn't define a media query for a viewport, you can skip this step.

Page Builder uses the media query node for form field properties set up to use them. So the max-width for these queries must match the max-width defined for JavaScript widgets. Otherwise, the content elements on the page will be responding to different breakpoints. The result could lead to surprising behavior on the frontend.

For example, if you changed the max-width of the mobile breakpoint to 640px, you must also change the media query max-width to match, as shown here:

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<var name="mobile">
<var name="label">Mobile</var>
<var name="stage">true</var>
<var name="class">mobile-switcher</var>
<var name="icon">Magento_PageBuilder::css/images/switcher/switcher-mobile.svg</var>
<var name="media">only screen and (max-width: 640px)</var>
<var name="conditions">
<var name="max-width">640px</var>
<var name="min-width">480px</var>
<var name="mobile-small">
<var name="conditions">
<var name="max-width">480px</var>

Step 4: Change your frontend media queries

You must also change any corresponding breakpoints within your frontend media queries in your modules or frontend themes. In this example, we changed our frontend queries to match the new max-width we set for the mobile-small breakpoint:

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// Standard media queries
// ________________________________________________________
@media only screen and (max-width: 480px){}
// Magento media queries: @screen__xs = 480px
// ________________________________________________________
.media-width(@extremum, @break) when (@extremum = 'max') and (@break = @screen__xs){}

Step 5: Change the viewport stage CSS

When changing breakpoints that have viewport configurations, you must also change the viewport styles set for the stage width. By default, the mobile viewport is the only viewport that defines a CSS style for the stage width.

To change the mobile viewport stage width:

  1. Add a .less file to the adminhtml/web/css/source/ directory of your Admin theme or module.

  2. Copy and paste in the .mobile-viewport style from Magento/PageBuilder/view/adminhtml/web/css/source/_mobile-viewport.less, as shown below.

  3. Change the width of the .pagebuilder-canvas to match the max-width you set for the breakpoint and viewport media query. They should all match.

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.mobile-viewport {
&.pagebuilder-stage-wrapper {
&.stage-full-screen {
.pagebuilder-stage {
.pagebuilder-canvas {
left: 50%;
margin: 0;
transform: translateX(-50%);
width: 640px;


Changing breakpoint and viewport widths in Page Builder is pretty simple. You just need to match all your breakpoint width changes to their viewport media queries, frontend media queries, and the viewport stage widths.

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