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Content type configurations

Content type configurations are how you define your content types to Page Builder. Creating new content types, extending content-types, and customizing content types all starts with an XML configuration file.

Your configuration should conform to our XSD: urn:magento:module:Magento_PageBuilder:etc/content_type.xsd. This topic provides descriptions of all the elements and properties that make up a content type configuration file. We'll start with the first element, type, and work our way down to the last element.

type element

There are a number of simple attributes that can be configured within the <type /> node of your content type.

Name of the content type that Adobe Commerce uses for XML merging. The convention for using multi-word names is to separate the words with hyphens.
Label displayed in the Page Builder panel, option menu, and on the Admin stage.
Menu section or category in the panel menu where your content type is displayed. The default menu sections are Layout, Elements, Media, and Add Content. See Panel configurations for more details.
Optional. CSS class for icon to be displayed within the menu alongside the content types name. See Add icons and images for more guidance.
View model responsible for rendering the preview and master format. The component does not need to specify the .js extension. There are two component types to choose from: content-type and content-type-collection. Use Magento_PageBuilder/js/content-type for static content types that do not have children. Use Magento_PageBuilder/js/content-type-collection for content types that can contain children, otherwise known as container content types.
JavaScript file (preview.js or preview-collection.js) that provides rendering logic within the Admin UI. The preview component does not need to specify the .js extension.

For collection content types, you need to either reference your own preview-collection component or reference Page Builder's preview-collection (preview_component="Magento_PageBuilder/js/content-type/preview-collection"). If you don't specify the preview_component, Page Builder uses the base Preview component shown in the code: Magento_PageBuilder/js/content-type/preview.
JavaScript file (master.js or master-collection.js) that provides rendering logic generic for all appearances of your content type when rendered on the storefront. The master component does not need to specify the .js extension.

For collection content types, you need to either reference your own master-collection component or reference Page Builder's master-collection (master_component="Magento_PageBuilder/js/content-type/master-collection"). If you don't specify the master_component, Page Builder uses the base Master component shown in the code: Magento_PageBuilder/js/content-type/master.
UI component form that provides the form controls for editing your content type. All forms can extend the pagebuilder_base_form, which contains boilerplate form configuration and the global Advanced Configuration section. If you decide to omit extending the base form you'll need to ensure you manually declare the various requirements from the base form. See UiComponent Documentation for additional information.
Optional. The listed order within the menu section. For example, sortOrder=21 puts the content type third in the Elements menu section, after the content types with sortOrder values of 10 and 20.
Identifies the attribute you want Commerce to translate.


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<type name="text"

Direct children of type

The direct child elements of type are described here:

Defines the default policy and matrix of which content types this content type can have as a parent. For instance the Slide content type defines a default policy of deny with an exception allowing this content type to only be housed within the Slider content type.
Similar to the parents option, however this defines the allowed children of the current content type. As with the Slide example this time the Slider defines the Slide as it's only allowed child.
Configures various appearances along with associated data mapping elements. This is a crucial part of all content types and defines how the master and preview systems should retrieve and display their data.
Determines menu visibility for the content type. System content types are visible in the menu. The default value for this is true. By setting this to false, you can hide child or "special" content types that are added by other content types. For example, you cannot directly drag a Slide content type onto the stage, which means it is not a system content type.
Allows you to specify additional data for the component. See additional configurations for more information.

parents element

The parents element specifies which content types can accept this type as a child.

Parent policies will override any child policies that are set.

You can configure the default policy to easily allow or deny all parents.

Values: allow deny. Allows or denies all content types to be parents unless specified as a parent element.

The parents node accepts a list of content types for the policy via child parent elements.

The name of the content type that this parents policy is assigned to. Such as slider.
Values: allow deny. Determine whether the current content type is allowed or denied to be a child of the specified content type.


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<parents default_policy="deny">
<parent name="row" policy="allow"/>
<parent name="column" policy="allow"/>

children element

The children element specifies which content types can accept this type as a parent, this configuration is formed the same as the above parents configuration, the difference being this controls which content types can be a child of the current content type.

Parent policies will override any child policies that are set.

You can configure the default policy to easily allow or deny all children.

Values: allow deny. Allows or denies all content types to be children unless specified as a child element.

The children node accepts a list of content types for the policy via child child elements.

The name of the content type that this parents policy is assigned to. Such as slider.
Values: allow deny. Determine whether the current content type is allowed or denied to be a child of the specified content type.


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<children default_policy="allow">
<child name="row" policy="deny"/>
<child name="column" policy="deny"/>

appearance element

The appearances node contains one or more appearance elements, which control how the content type renders in the Admin preview and storefront (using the master format).

The appearance configuration specifies how the master and preview components and templates interact with data from the master format. It also defines where and how data should be placed on the elements declared in your master.html and preview.html templates.

Each content type can have a number of different appearances. These appearances can alter where data is placed on the element. Different element placements, can provide different layouts for the same content type, without adding additional bloat to the UI.

For example, the Banner content type uses this feature to create four different appearances (layouts) for the same set of elements. This flexibility is one of Page Builder's key features. You can change an existing appearance (or add a new appearance) to provide new features for the same content type.

The name for this appearance.
Determines whether this is the default appearance for the content type. The default will be auto selected when adding a new instance of the content type.
Template used to display the content type within the admin preview.
Template which is hydrated with data and rendered to be stored as the master format.
Reads data for the content type from the master format. Unless you need to conduct complex retrieval of data from the master format we recommend you use the default Magento_PageBuilder/js/master-format/read/configurable reader as this contains the necessary logic for the child element nodes to work.


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<appearance default="true"
reader="Magento_PageBuilder/js/master-format/read/configurable" />

Every content type must declare a default appearance to allow other modules to easily extend the content type with additional appearances.

element node

The elements node contains one or more element nodes. An element node defines the attributes and properties that Page Builder binds to the HTML elements (<div>, <textarea>) in your preview.html and master.html templates.

The name used to reference the configuration data from your templates. The name must be unique within the current appearance.

For example, if you specified main as your element name (<element name="main" />), you could reference all styles and attributes in your master.html and preview.html templates as follows:

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<div html="data.main.html" attr="data.main.attributes" ko-style="data.main.style" css="data.main.css"></div>

Where main is the element's name and html, attributes, style, and css are the elements that define the data for the element. These data elements are described here:

Assign an HTML attribute to the current element.
Assign field name for CSS classes to be included on the element, also allows to specifically ignore system classes so they're not displayed within the content type's edit form.
Allows for a field's value to be output as HTML within the current element. This is used within the Text content type to ensure all content is rendered as expected. Warning: If you're using this attribute you should ensure you're safely escaping any harmful values to avoid adding potential XSS vulnerabilities within the admin.
Allows you to add standard CSS properties to the element, such as height, width, border, padding, and so on.
Allows you to read the tag name of the element and map it back to the master format. This is used in instances where the content type is modifying the type of element output, such as in Heading.


The Button Item content type shows multiple elements with various attributes.

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<element name="main">
<style name="display" source="display" converter="Magento_PageBuilder/js/content-type/button-item/converter/style/display" preview_converter="Magento_PageBuilder/js/converter/style/preview/display"/>
<attribute name="name" source="data-content-type"/>
<attribute name="appearance" source="data-appearance"/>
<css name="css_classes"/>
<element name="link">
<style name="text_align" source="text_align"/>
<style name="border" source="border_style" converter="Magento_PageBuilder/js/converter/style/border-style"/>
<style name="border_color" source="border_color"/>
<style name="border_width" source="border_width" converter="Magento_PageBuilder/js/converter/style/border-width"/>
<style name="border_radius" source="border_radius" converter="Magento_PageBuilder/js/converter/style/remove-px"/>
<style name="margins" storage_key="margins_and_padding" reader="Magento_PageBuilder/js/property/margins" converter="Magento_PageBuilder/js/converter/style/margins"/>
<style name="padding" storage_key="margins_and_padding" reader="Magento_PageBuilder/js/property/paddings" converter="Magento_PageBuilder/js/converter/style/paddings"/>
<attribute name="button_link" reader="Magento_PageBuilder/js/property/link" persistence_mode="read"/>
<attribute name="virtual_link_href" storage_key="button_link" source="href" converter="Magento_PageBuilder/js/converter/attribute/link-href" persistence_mode="write"/>
<attribute name="virtual_link_target" storage_key="button_link" source="target" converter="Magento_PageBuilder/js/converter/attribute/link-target" persistence_mode="write"/>
<attribute name="virtual_link_type" storage_key="button_link" source="data-link-type" converter="Magento_PageBuilder/js/converter/attribute/link-type" persistence_mode="write"/>
<css name="button_type"/>
<element name="empty_link">
<style name="text_align" source="text_align"/>
<style name="border" source="border_style" converter="Magento_PageBuilder/js/converter/style/border-style"/>
<style name="border_color" source="border_color"/>
<style name="border_width" source="border_width" converter="Magento_PageBuilder/js/converter/style/border-width"/>
<style name="border_radius" source="border_radius" converter="Magento_PageBuilder/js/converter/style/remove-px"/>
<style name="margins" storage_key="margins_and_padding" reader="Magento_PageBuilder/js/property/margins" converter="Magento_PageBuilder/js/converter/style/margins"/>
<style name="padding" storage_key="margins_and_padding" reader="Magento_PageBuilder/js/property/paddings" converter="Magento_PageBuilder/js/converter/style/paddings"/>
<css name="button_type"/>
<element name="link_text">
<html name="button_text" converter="Magento_PageBuilder/js/converter/html/tag-escaper"/>

style, property, and attribute elements

These elements share a common interface and can be configured using the following attributes.

Unique name used for configuration merging. It also provides the default value for storage_key if none is provided.
Optional variable name for value in the data store. If no value is provided, the name is used. This is the form field's data scope which is typically the name unless a dataScope is provided on the field. Supports the dot notation for dataScope (such as layout.min_height).
The name of the property or attribute in the DOM. Must be in snake case. For instance text_align aligns to text-align.
Converts the value after reading or before saving to the DOM.
Converts the value for the preview. Used for cases where the conversion logic is different between the two views.
Used for read/write properties.
Reader used for parsing attributes and properties out of the DOM. Should not be used with read-only persistence_mode.

You can optionally set a reader in configuration, otherwise Magento_PageBuilder/js/property/style-property-reader will be used for properties, and Magento_PageBuilder/js/property/attribute-reader will be used for attributes. Both default readers accept source as a parameter, and return that value.

For example, the margins style uses a custom margins reader, as well as a custom converter, described next:

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<style name="margins" storage_key="margins_and_padding" reader="Magento_PageBuilder/js/property/margins" converter="Magento_PageBuilder/js/converter/style/margins" />


The converter enables you to convert data between different formats or make mutations on the data as it's read or written for your specific element.

For example, Page Builder's remove-px.js converter removes px strings from CSS values after reading from the DOM of the master format (using fromDOM()). This converts the value from a string to number so that it can be handled numerically as needed. The same converter adds the px string back to the CSS value before writing it to the DOM of the master format (using toDOM()).

All converters have these two functions:

  • fromDom() - called after data is read from the master format.
  • toDom() - called before observables are updated in the cycle rendering preview or master format.

Page Builder provides several converters you can use in your own content types: Magento/PageBuilder/view/adminhtml/web/js/converter.

When accessing data provided into the above functions, you should use the get and set utility functions from Magento_PageBuilder/js/utils/object. These functions ensure that you can use dot notation to correctly retrieval and set that data mapping entries that traverse deeper into the data set.


The following converter determines the output for an overlay background color:

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define(["Magento_PageBuilder/js/utils/color-converter", "Magento_PageBuilder/js/utils/number-converter", "Magento_PageBuilder/js/utils/object"], function (colorConverter, numberConverter, objectUtil) {
var OverlayBackgroundColor = function () {};
* Convert value to internal format
* @param {string} value
* @returns {string | object}
OverlayBackgroundColor.prototype.fromDom = function fromDom(value) {
return value;
* Convert value to knockout format
* @param {string} name
* @param {object} data
* @returns {string | object}
OverlayBackgroundColor.prototype.toDom = function toDom(name, data) {
var overlayColor = "transparent";
if (data.show_overlay === "always" && data.overlay_color !== "" && data.overlay_color !== undefined) {
overlayColor = colorConverter.fromHex(data.overlay_color, numberConverter.percentToDecimal(data.overlay_transparency));
return overlayColor;
return OverlayBackgroundColor;

static_style and static_attribute elements

These elements should be used to add static styles and attributes that don't require any logic or input by the end user. A good example is the CSS overflow property. Let's say a content type provides users with a max-height property they can set. The max-height in this context is a dynamic property because users can set it from a form. As a dynamic property, you need to add it to an element using the <style> element. But the overflow property in this context is static. End users don't set it and no logic is required. But this property is essential to how your content type is rendered. It ensures that content can scroll when the max-height is reached. Without it, your content type would not render or function as intended.

Defining your static styles with static_style or static_attribute, rather than from a loaded style sheet, ensures that the master format has all the essential data it needs to render its content as intended, independent of any outside requirements.

Example from Image:

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<element name="desktop_image">
<static_style source="max-width" value="100%" />
<static_style source="height" value="auto" />


The html element allows you to read the innerHTML of the element in a property and map it back to the master format. This enables you to add rich text editing to a content type and have the HTML written and read from the master format.


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<html name="message" converter="Magento_PageBuilder/js/converter/html/tag-escaper" />


The css element allows you to read the class value of the element in the property and map back to the master format.

filter allows you to specify which static CSS classes to ignore. These classes are not read and do not appear on the form.


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<css name="button_type">
<class source="pagebuilder-banner-button"/>


The tag element allows you to read the tag name of the element and map back to the master format.


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<tag name="heading_type"/>

Mass converter

The mass converter provides a similar function to the element converter. However, mass converters are able to access and modify all data. For example, we use these to convert the background desktop and mobile images into a JSON format which is read and rendered into CSS on the storefront. Mass converters are defined for a specific appearance.

The fromDom method is called after data is read for all elements and converted by element converters.

The toDom method is called before data is converted by element converters to update observables.

When accessing data provided into the above functions, you should use the get and set utility functions from Magento_PageBuilder/js/utils/object. These functions ensure that you can use dot notation to correctly retrieval and set that data mapping entries that traverse deeper into the data set.

Example: Mass converter that defaults mobile image value to desktop image value if not configured.

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<converter name="empty_mobile_image" component="Magento_PageBuilder/js/mass-converter/empty-mobile-image">
<item name="desktop_image_variable" value="background_image"/>
<item name="mobile_image_variable" value="mobile_image"/>
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define(["Magento_PageBuilder/js/utils/object"], function (objectUtil) {
var EmptyMobileImage = function () {};
* Process data after it's read and converted by element converters
* @param {object} data
* @param {object} config
* @returns {object}
EmptyMobileImage.prototype.fromDom = function fromDom(data, config) {
var desktopImage = objectUtil.get(data, config.desktop_image_variable);
var mobileImage = objectUtil.get(data, config.mobile_image_variable);
if (mobileImage && desktopImage && mobileImage[0] !== undefined && desktopImage[0] !== undefined && mobileImage[0].url === desktopImage[0].url) {
delete data[config.mobile_image_variable];
return data;
* Process data before it's converted by element converters
* @param {object} data
* @param {object} config
* @returns {object}
EmptyMobileImage.prototype.toDom = function toDom(data, config) {
var mobileImage = objectUtil.get(data, config.mobile_image_variable);
if (mobileImage === undefined || mobileImage[0] === undefined) {
objectUtil.set(data, config.mobile_image_variable, objectUtil.get(data, config.desktop_image_variable));
return data;
return EmptyMobileImage;

Preview component settings

When creating your preview component there are some additional settings you can configure to inform the internal framework how to handle aspects of your data.

An array containing field names to ignore when evaluating whether an element has been configured. This is utilised when deciding whether to display the confirmation on removal of a content type. The default value is an empty array.

The different sections displayed in the left menu are configured with the menu_section.xml configuration. This configuration allows you to configure new menu sections along with modifying existing ones.

Your configuration should conform to our XSD: urn:magento:module:Magento_PageBuilder:etc/menu_section.xsd. This article will go into more details regarding the configuration you can include within a content type.

We discourage modifying existing menu sections if they do not belong to your module.

The internal name for this menu section, will be used by content types to reference your section.
Determine which aspects of the menu section should be translated.
The sort order in relation to other menu sections, within our configuration we step these 10 integers apart to allow for new sections to be added in between.
The label to be displayed within the left menu

An example of a menu-section configuration can be found here: view/adminhtml/pagebuilder/menu_section.xml:

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<config xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:module:Magento_PageBuilder:etc/menu_section.xsd">
<menu_section name="layout" translate="label" sortOrder="1" label="Layout"/>

For more information on how to customize the menu sections and the left panel please see: Customize the panel.

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