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Tabs widget

The tabs widget implements single content area with multiple panels, each associated with a header in a list. It uses the collapsible widget.

The tabs widget source is lib/web/mage/tabs.js.


For information about how to initialize a widget in a JS component or .phtml template, see the Initialize JavaScript topic.

Generally the tabs widget is instantiated like following:

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  • #element is the selector of the element for tabs is initialized.

The following example shows a PHTML file using the script:

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'tabs'], function ($) {



Index of the tab, which is active at the moment of initialization. Starts from "0"

Type: Number

Default value: 0


Selector for the tab element, which contains the URL for the Ajax request. The option of the collapsible widget used by tabs.

Type: String

Default value: [data-ajax=true]


Defines if the content is loaded by Ajax request. The option of the collapsible widget used by tabs.

Type: Boolean

Default value: false


Specifies if the collapse/expand actions are performed with animation. The option of the collapsible widget used by tabs.

Type: Multiple types are supported:

  • Boolean: the false value disables the animation

  • Number: duration in milliseconds

  • String: is parsed to an object as a json string

  • Object:

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    duration: <Number>,
    easing: <String>,
    <propToAnimate>: <howToAnimate>

    For details about the object passed, see jQuery.animate().

Default value: false


Class assigned to the tab being closed.

Type: String

Default value: null


If this option is set to false, the content is not collapsed when the panel is active. The option of the collapsible widget used by tabs.

Type: Boolean

Default value: false


Selector of the element for which the collapsible widget is initialized.

Type: String

Default value: [data-role=collapsible]


Selector for the content element, searched for using .find() on the main collapsible element. The option of the collapsible widget used by tabs.

Type: String

Default value: [data-role=content]


Array of the elements' indexes which are disabled when the widget is initialized.

Type: Array of numbers.

Default value: []


Class assigned to the tab being currently disabled.

Type: String

Default value: null

Selector for the header element, searched for using .find() on the main collapsible element. The option of the collapsible widget used by tabs.

Type: String

Default value: [data-role=title]


The classes for icons to be used in headers. If no classes are specified, icons are not be created. A new span is created and appended to the header, the classes for this span are automatically changed whenever the content gets expanded/collapsed. The option of the collapsible widget used by tabs.

Type: String

Default value: { header: null, activeHeader: null }


Class assigned to a tab during content loading for this tab.

Type: String

Default value: null


Class name assigned to a tab which is being currently opened.

Type: String

Default value: null


Used for setting keyboard navigation. Defines if the tab is expanded when its header is in focus.

Type: Boolean

Default value: true


Specifies if the state is saved in the local storage if the browser supports it. Otherwise will be saved into a cookie. The option of the collapsible widget used by tabs.

Type: Boolean

Default value: true


Selector for the trigger element, applied using .find() on the main collapsible element. If the trigger is not found, the header becomes a trigger. The option of the collapsible widget used by tabs.


  • String
  • jQuery object

Default value: [data-role=trigger]



activate(index) displays content for the tab with the corresponding index.


enable(index) enables the tab with the corresponding index.


deactivate(index) hides content for the tab with the corresponding index.


disable(index) disables the tab with the corresponding index.


Tabs is subscribed to the same events as the collapsible widget.


Called before the content is opened.

Example of adding a callback to beforeOpen events:

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$("#element").on("beforeOpen", function () {
// do something before opening the content


Called after content is opened or closed.

Example of adding a callback to dimensionsChanged events:

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$("#element").on("dimensionsChanged", function (event, data) {
var opened = data.opened;
if (opened) {
// do something when the content is opened
// do something when the content is closed

Code sample

The following example shows how to initialize the tabs widget and pass options during the initialization. This example uses the same CSS classes as the tabs on the product page.

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<div class="product data items"
data-mage-init='{"mage/tabs": {"openedState": "active", "animate": {"duration": 100}, "active": 1, "disabled": [2], "disabledState": "disabled"}}'>
<div class="item title" data-role="collapsible">
<a class="switch" data-toggle="trigger" href="#tab-cars">Cars</a>
<div id="tab-cars" class="item content" data-role="content">Cars content</div>
<div class="item title" data-role="collapsible">
<a class="switch" data-toggle="trigger" href="#tab-movies">Movies</a>
<div id="tab-movies" class="item content" data-role="content">Movies content</div>
<div class="item title" data-role="collapsible">
<a class="switch" data-toggle="trigger" href="#tab-music">Music</a>
<div id="tab-music" class="item content" data-role="content">Music Content</div>


The result is three tabs with content, where the last tab is disabled based on initialization options, as shown here:

Tabs Widget

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