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RemainingCharacters widget

The RemainingCharacters widget allows you to display the remaining characters count for a text field.

The RemainingCharacters widget can be used only in the frontend area.

The RemainingCharacters widget source is <Magento_Catalog_module_dir>/view/frontend/web/js/product/remaining-characters.js.


For information about how to initialize a widget in a JS component or .phtml template, see the Initialize JavaScript topic.

The RemainingCharacters widget is instantiated with:

Copied to your clipboard
maxLength: 5,
noteSelector: '.note',
counterSelector: '.note .character-counter'


  • #remaining-characters is the selector of the element which will display RemainingCharacters.

The following example shows a PHTML file using the script:

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], function ($) {
'use strict';
maxLength: 5,
noteSelector: '.note',
counterSelector: '.note .character-counter'



The selector of counter element.

Type: String

Default value: undefined


The error class that appends to the note element if the maxLength is exceeded.

Type: String

Default value: 'mage-error'


The maximum length of the text for the field.

Type: Integer

Default value: undefined


The class that appends to the counter element if the field value is empty.

Type: String

Default value: 'no-display'


The selector of note element. The note element contains the counter element and the error class is added to the note element when the maxLength is exceeded.

Type: String

Default value: undefined


The text that shows in the counter element if the maxLength is not exceeded.

Type: String

Default value: $t('remaining')


The text that shows in the counter element if the maxLength is exceeded.

Type: String

Default value: $t('too many')

Code sample

This example shows the text field with the note that shows you a message about the remaining characters.

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<input id="remaining-characters" type="text"/>
<p class="note">
<span class="character-counter"></span>
], function ($) {
'use strict';
maxLength: 5,
noteSelector: '.note',
counterSelector: '.note .character-counter'


RemainingCharacters widget example with not exceeded text length RemainingCharacters widget example with exceeded text length

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