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QuickSearch widget

The quickSearch widget is an autocomplete widget that populates a list of suggested search terms for a given field.

The suggest widget source is <Magento_Search_module_dir>/view/frontend/web/js/form-mini.js.


For information about how to initialize a widget in a JS component or .phtml template, see the Initialize JavaScript topic.



Attaches the autocomplete attribute to the search field.

Type: String

Default value: off

Accepted values: off, on


The element's selector where the results will be added.

Type: String

Default value: null


The isExpandable option is used to show and hide search input field on devices with max width 768px.

Type: Boolean

Default value: null


The form selector containing the search input field.

Type: String

Default value: No form by default.


Minimum number of characters required before the auto suggest triggers.

Type: Integer

Default value: 2


Selector for the response elements.

Type: String

Default Value: ul li


Selector of a search input label.

Type: String

Default value: [data-role=minisearch-label]


Class assigned to the selected suggested term.

Type: String

Default value: selected


Disable the submit button.

Type: String

Default value: button[type="submit"]


The suggestionDelay option prevents overloading the server with requests by waiting until the user has stopped typing for the specified period of time.

Type: Integer

Default value: 300


Template responsible for rendering returned data (suggested terms).

Type: String

Default value:

Copied to your clipboard
<li class="<%- data.row_class %>" id="qs-option-<%- data.index %>" role="option">
<span class="qs-option-name">
<%- data.title %>
<span aria-hidden="true" class="amount">
<%- data.num_results %>


The endpoint URL for processing the search query.

Type: String

Default value: null

Code sample

This example shows how to initialize the quickSearch widget and pass options during the initialization.

Copied to your clipboard
<form class="" id="new_search_form" action="/catalogsearch/result/" method="get">
<div class="field search">
<div class="control">
<input id="new-search"
"minSearchLength": 1,
placeholder="<?= $block->escapeHtmlAttr(__('Search entire store here...')) ?>"
<div id="search_results" class="search-autocomplete"></div>
<div class="actions">
<button type="submit"
title="<?= $block->escapeHtml(__('Search')) ?>"
class="action search"
<span><?= $block->escapeHtml(__('Search')) ?></span>


The result is an input with autocomplete results, where the results will be returned by the url option that was provided on initialization, as shown here:

Quick Search Widget

How QuickSearch uses OpenSearch

When a user performs a search query using QuickSearch, the input is processed by OpenSearch using its default Standard Built-in analyzers. These analyzers follow a specific set of rules:

  • Parses strings into tokens at word boundaries
  • Removes most punctuation
  • Converts tokens to lowercase

Hyphens in product names

If a product is named “abcd-efg”, a search for “abc” will return “abcd” as a suggestion. However, a search for “abcd” will return no suggestions because the word boundary is broken by the subsequent hyphen (-). This behavior also impacts OpenSearch candidate generators.

Customization and configuration

While the default behavior of QuickSearch is to use standard analyzer, there may be cases where custom adjustments are necessary. In such cases, you might need to consider configuring custom analyzers in OpenSearch.

For more information on customizing OpenSearch text analysis, see the OpenSearch analyzers documentation.

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