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Prompt widget

The prompt widget implements a modal pop-up window with an input field, and a cancel and a confirmation button.

It extends the modal widget.

The prompt widget source is <Magento_Ui_module_dir>/view/base/web/js/modal/prompt.js.

The widget can be used for implementing prompt windows for both, admin and storefront. The design patterns for the modal pop-up windows in the admin are described in the Admin Pattern Library, the Slide-out Panels, Modal Windows, and Overlays topic.


The prompt widget can be initialized with or without binding to a certain element.

Example 1: initialization on an element

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title: $.mage.__('Prompt title'),
actions: {
confirm: function(){}, //callback on 'Ok' button click
cancel: function(){}, //callback on 'Cancel' button click
always: function(){}

Example 2: standalone initialization

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], function($, prompt) { // Variable that represents the `prompt` function
title: $.mage.__('Some title'),
content: $.mage.__('Some content'),
actions: {
confirm: function(){},
cancel: function(){},
always: function(){}

For details about how to initialize a widget in a .phtml template, refer to the JavaScript initialization topic.



Widget callbacks.

Type: Object.

Default value:

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actions: {
confirm: function(){},
cancel: function(){},
always: function(){}


Automatically open the prompt window when the widget is initialized.

Type: Boolean

Default value: false


Close the prompt window when a user clicks on the overlay.

Type: Boolean

Default value: true


The prompt window content.

Type: String.


The selector of the element to be in focus when the prompt window opens. If focus is not specified or set to empty string, the focus is on the close button. If focusing is not required, set focus to none.

Type: String.

Default value: ''


The title of the prompt window.

Type: String.

Default value: ''


The CSS class of the prompt window.

Type: String.

Default value: 'prompt'


The template of the prompt popup form.

Type: String.

Default value:

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<form <%= formAttr %>>
<fieldset class="fieldset">
<div class="field">
<% if(data.label){ %>
<label for="prompt-field-<%- data.id %>" class="label">
<span><%= data.label %></span>
<% } %>
<div class="control">
<input type="text" data-role="promptField" id="prompt-field-<%- data.id %>" class="input-text" <%= inputAttr %>/>

The file with template ui/template/modal/modal-prompt-content.html.


The value of the prompt field.

Type: String.

Default value: ''


The prompt field selector.

Type: String.

Default value: '[data-role="promptField"]'


The attributes for the prompt form.

Type: Object.

Default value: {}


The attributes for the prompt field.

Type: Object.

Default value: {}


Specifies if the prompt form should be validated, when the confirmation button is clicked.

Type: Boolean

Default value: false


The array of validation classes which will be added to prompt field.

Type: Array

Default value: []


The prompt widget implements the following events:

  • confirm callback: called when the confirmation button is clicked. The first argument is the value of the input field.
  • cancel callback: called when the cancel button is clicked.
  • always callback: called when the popup is closed.

Keyboard navigation

  • ESC key: cancel the input and close the current prompt window (the same behavior as for the 'Cancel' button)
  • ENTER key: confirm the input and close the current prompt window (the same behavior as for the 'OK' button)
  • TAB key: set focus to the next focusable element (looped inside the prompt window)
  • SHIFT+TAB keys combination: set focus to the previous focusable element (looped inside the prompt window)

Code Sample

Initialization on an element

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], function ($) {
'use strict';
title: $.mage.__('Prompt Title'),
modalClass: 'prompt',
value: $.mage.__('Value by default'),
validation: true,
promptField: '[data-role="promptField"]',
validationRules: ['required-entry'],
attributesForm: {
novalidate: 'novalidate',
action: ''
attributesField: {
name: 'name',
'data-validate': '{required:true}',
maxlength: '255'
}, // attributes for the input field
actions: {
always: function() {
// do something when the modal is closed
confirm: function () {
// do something when the confirmation button is clicked
cancel: function () {
// do something when the cancel button is clicked

Standalone initialization

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<div class="prompt-modal-content">
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.</p>
], function ($, prompt) {
'use strict';
title: $.mage.__('Prompt Title'),
content: $.mage.__($('.prompt-modal-content')),
modalClass: 'prompt',
value: $.mage.__('Value by default'),
validation: true,
promptField: '[data-role="promptField"]',
validationRules: ['required-entry'],
attributesForm: {
novalidate: 'novalidate',
action: ''
attributesField: {
name: 'name',
'data-validate': '{required:true}',
maxlength: '255'
actions: {
always: function() {
// do something when the modal is closed
confirm: function () {
// do something when the confirmation button is clicked
cancel: function () {
// do something when the cancel button is clicked


Prompt Widget

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