Magnifier widget

Magnifier is a widget that allows displaying images in 100% scaled size in a separate dedicated layer. It is used by the gallery widget for zooming the product images on product pages. It must be enabled in your local theme view.xml configuration file.

Magnifier widget

The Magnifier widget source is located in lib/web/magnifier/magnify.js.


The magnifier widget is initialized as described in JavaScript initialization. The following is the example of gallery initialization with the magnifier enabled:

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<script type="text/x-magento-init">
"<element_selector>": {
"mage/gallery/gallery": {
"data": [{
"thumb": "<small_image_url>",
"img": "<small_image_url>",
"full": "<small_image_url>",
"caption": "<message>",
"isMain": "<true/false>"
"mixins": ["magnifier/magnify"],
"magnifierOpts": {
"enabled": <true/false>,
"eventType": "<hover/click>",
"width": <number>,
"height": <number>,
"top": <number>,
"left": <number>,
"fullscreenzoom": <number>,
"mode": "<outside/inside>"



Enables the magnifier.

Type: Boolean


Height of the magnifier block in pixels.


Action that activates zoom.

Possible values:

  • hover
  • click


Zoom step in percents for the fullscreen view.

Type: Integer


The value for the CSS left property for the magnifier block positioning.

Type: Integer


The value for the CSS top property for the magnifier block positioning.

Type: Integer


Width of the magnifier block in pixels.

Type: Integer


Specifies whether to display magnified image inside / outside lens.

Possible values:

  • outside
  • inside

Enable and configure

view.xml is a theme configuration file that enables the Magnifier widget. The file is conventionally located in the <theme_dir>/etc/ directory.

The enabling option is:

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<var name="magnifier">
<var name="enabled">true</var> <!-- Turn on/off magnifier (true/false) -->

Several other Magnifier options are set in view.xml:

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<var name="magnifier">
<var name="fullscreenzoom">20</var> <!-- Zoom for fullscreen (integer) -->
<var name="top"></var> <!-- Top position of magnifier -->
<var name="left"></var> <!-- Left position of magnifier -->
<var name="width"></var> <!-- Width of magnifier block -->
<var name="height"></var> <!-- Height of magnifier block -->
<var name="eventType">hover</var> <!-- Action that activates zoom (hover/click) -->

For an example of setting the gallery option, see the view.xml file in the Blank theme.

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