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Loader widget

The Loader widget blocks page content (all content or a part of it). Its intended use is blocking content when an Ajax request is being sent, but it can be initialized for non-Ajax tasks as well.

The Loader widget source is lib/web/mage/loader.js.


For information about how to initialize a widget in a JS component or .phtml template, see the Initialize JavaScript topic.

The following example shows how to instantiate the Loader widget:

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icon: 'path to icon'


  • #element is the selector of the element for Loader is initialized.
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require(['jquery', 'loader'], function ($) {
'use strict';
icon: 'path to icon'



The URL to the loader image. This image is displayed when the widget is active; that is, between the ajaxSend and ajaxComplete events.

Type: String

Default value: No image by default.


HTML wrapper for the output, or a DOM element selector.

Default value:

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<div class="loading-mask" data-role="loader">
<div class="loader">
<img alt="<%- data.texts.imgAlt %>" src="<%- data.icon %>">
<p><%- data.texts.loaderText %></p>


An object that contains translations for loader text:

  • texts.loaderText: The text that is displayed under the loader image. Default value: 'Please wait...'
  • texts.imgAlt: The text that is set as the alt attribute value of the loader image. Default value: 'Loading...'



Show the loader.

Invoke the show method:

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Hide the loader.

Invoke the hide method:

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Loader is subscribed to the following events:


Display the loader. Can be triggered on any page element.

Start show loading:

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The following is an example of adding a callback to processStart event.

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var callback = function () {
// do something before showing the loader
$("body").on('processStart', callback);


Hide the loader. Can be triggered on any page element.

Stop show loading:

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The following is an example of adding a callback to a processStop event.

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var callback = function () {
// do something before hiding the loader
$("body").on('processStop', callback);

Code Sample

The following example shows the loader when a processStart event triggers for the #loader-example element.

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<div id="loader-example" data-mage-init='{"loader": { "icon": "{store URL}/static/{static version}/frontend/Magento/luma/en_US/images/loader-2.gif"}}'>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit. Dignissimos itaque numquam placeat quam recusandae velit voluptas. Ad architecto asperiores eos eveniet id nostrum officiis saepe soluta totam voluptate! Debitis, quibusdam.
require(['jquery', 'loader', 'domReady!'], function ($) {
'use strict';


The loader shows when a processStart event triggers for the #loader-example element.

Loader Widget Example

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