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Gallery widget

The gallery jQuery widget implements a content area with images organized into preview and thumbnails blocks.

The following picture is an illustration of image displaying on the product page using the gallery widget:

A product page with preview and thumbnails

In addition, the magnifier widget can be used to demonstrate images in 100% scaled size in separate dedicated layer, and the gallery fullscreen mode can be used to navigate the entire full sized photo.

Gallery is displayed consistently across all supported browsers and is responsive --- it sizes correctly on mobile devices and desktops.

The gallery widget uses the Fotorama widget.

The important feature of the gallery widget implementation is the possibility to configure the widget options in the view.xml configuration file of a theme.

The gallery widget source code is lib/web/mage/gallery/gallery.js.

The gallery magnifier source is lib/web/magnifier/magnify.js.


The gallery widget is initialized as described in JavaScript initialization.

Example of declarative initialization:

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Copied to your clipboard
<script type="text/x-magento-init">
"<element_selector>": {
"mage/gallery/gallery": {
"data": [{
"thumb": "<small_image_url>",
"img": "<small_image_url>",
"full": "<small_image_url>",
"caption": "<message>",
"position": "<number>",
"isMain": "<true/false>"
"options": {
"nav": "<false/thumbs/dots>",
"loop": <true/false>,
"keyboard": <true/false>,
"arrows": <true/false>,
"allowfullscreen": <true/false>,
"showCaption": <true/false>,
"width": <number>,
"thumbwidth": <number>,
"thumbheight": <number>,
"height": <number>,
"transitionduration": <number>,
"transition": "<slide/crossfade/dissolve>",
"navarrows": <true/false>,
"navtype": "<slides/thumbs>",
"navdir": "<horizontal/vertical>"
"fullscreen": {
"nav": "<false/thumbs/dots>",
"loop": <true/false>,
"navdir": "<horizontal/vertical>",
"navarrows": <true/false>,
"navtype": "<slides/thumbs>",
"arrows": <true/false>,
"showCaption": <true/false>,
"transitionduration": <number>,
"transition": "<slide/crossfade/dissolve>"
"breakpoints": {
"<breakpoint_name>": {
"conditions": {
"max-width": "767px"
"options": {}



Array of images to display.

Where image is an object with keys:

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"thumb": "<small_image_url>",
"img": "<small_image_url>",
"full": "<small_image_url>",
"caption": "<message>",
"isMain": "<true/false>"

The thumb, img, and full are full paths to proper image files.


Set the caption for a specific image in the data field. Example of the runtime initialization with the caption option specified:

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data: [
img: 'preview_number_one.jpg',
thumb: 'preview_number_one.jpg',
caption: 'T-Shirt Women side'


Set of options available for the Preview region.


Show the button that toggles full screen view of the gallery.

Type: Boolean


Display navigation arrows on the thumbnails sides.

Type: Boolean


Height of the preview block in pixels or percent.

Type: Number, String

Default value: null


Switch on/off the keyboard navigation.

Type: Boolean

Default value: false


Define whether images are displayed in a loop.

Type: Boolean

Default value: false


Maximum height of the preview block in pixels or percent.

Type: Number, String

Default value: null


Maximum width of the preview block in pixels or percent.

Type: Number, String

Default value: 100%


Minimal height of the preview block in pixels or percent.

Type: Number, String

Default value: null


Minimal width of the preview block in pixels or percent.

Type: Number, String

Default value: null


Variation of thumbnails in navigation.

Possible values:

  • dots: iPhone-style dots
  • thumbs: thumbnails
  • false: nothing

Default: dots


Sliding direction of thumbnails.

Possible values:

  • vertical
  • horizontal


Display navigation arrows for thumbnails.

Type: Boolean


Sliding type of thumbnails.

Possible values:

  • slides: on the arrow button click the thumbs ribbon shifts over several thumbs
  • thumb: on the arrow button click the thumbs ribbon shifts over one thumb


Width divided by height. Recommended if you set width in percents.

Type: Number, String

Default value: calculated from width and height.


Enable view of caption in preview. Can be for initialized for specific image. Can work globally.

Type: Boolean


The index number of the image that is displayed once the gallery is initialized.

Type: Number

Default value: 0


Moving between preview images by swiping in left and right.

Type: Boolean

Default value: true


Width of thumbnails.

Type: Number, String


Height of thumbnails.

Type: Number, String


Sets the transition effect for slides changing.

Possible values:

  • slide
  • crossfade
  • dissolve


Sets transition duration in milliseconds.

Type: Number

Type: Boolean


Width of the preview in gallery in pixels or percents.

Type: Number, String

Default value: null


Set of options available for the fullscreen view.


Display navigation arrows on the sides of previews in the fullscreen view.

Type: Boolean


Display alt text as image title in the fullscreen view.

Type: Boolean


Switch on/off the keyboard navigation in the fullscreen mode.

Type: Boolean


Define whether images are displayed in a loop.

Type: Boolean

Default value: false


Variation of thumbnails in navigation in the fullscreen view.

Possible values:

  • dots: iPhone-style dots
  • thumbs: thumbnails
  • false: nothing


Sliding direction of thumbnails in the fullscreen view.

Possible values:

  • vertical
  • horizontal
Copied to your clipboard
<var name="gallery">
<var name="navdir">horizontal</var> <!-- Sliding direction of thumbnails (horizontal/vertical) -->


Show/hide arrows in thumb navigation.

Type: Boolean

Default value: true


Type of navigation.

Possible values:

  • thumbs
  • slides

Default value: thumbs

Display navigation thumbnails as carousel in the fullscreen view.

Type: Boolean


Enable view of caption in the fullscreen mode. Can be for initialized for specific image. Can work globally.

Type: Boolean


Width of thumbnails in the fullscreen view.

Type: Number, String


Height of thumbnails in the fullscreen view.

Type: Number, String


Sets the transition effect for slides changing in the fullscreen view.

Possible values:

  • slide
  • crossfade
  • dissolve


Sets transition duration in milliseconds in the fullscreen view.

Type: Number


Set of options that could be dynamically set while page is resizing.

Set as follows:

Copied to your clipboard
"breakpoints": {
"%breakpoint_name%": {
"conditions": {
"options": {...}

Where the options are as follows:

  • conditions: compiled in media query through and operand. For example: "max-width": "767px"
  • options - object of options that are applied

Configure options in view.xml

Gallery and magnifier options can be set in the view.xml configuration file of a theme. The file is conventionally located in <theme_dir>/etc.

The general gallery options are set as follows:

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<var name="gallery">
<var name="%option1%">%option1_value%</var>
<var name="%option2%">%option2_value%</var>

The fullscreen and breakpoints options are set in a similar way:

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<var name="fullscreen">
<var name="%fullscreen_option1%">%option1_value%</var>
<var name="%fullscreen_option2%">%option2_value%</var>
<var name="breakpoints">
<var name="%breakpoints_option1%">%option1_value%</var>
<var name="%breakpoints_option2%">%option2_value%</var>

For illustration of setting gallery option in view.xml, you can reference to the view.xml of the Blank theme.

Gallery methods are placed in data storage of the gallery object. To initialize the API, on the gallery object, call the data method with gallery as argument. The illustration follows:

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var api = $(element).data('gallery');
var api = $('[data-gallery-role="gallery"]').data('gallery');

This method returns JS object that contains API functions.

To ensure that the gallery is fully formed, wrap your code with event handler function and add it to the gallery:loaded event:

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$(element).on('gallery:loaded', function () {
var api = $(element).data('gallery');
/* api methods calls */

Then to call a method, use the following notation:

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All available methods are listed in the following paragraph.



Displays the first preview image.


Displays the last preview image.


Image ID is passed as an argument. Displays the next preview image.

If the last image ID is passed, the behavior depends on whether loop is enabled:

  • if loop is enabled, the first image is displayed.
  • if loop is disabled, does not change the displayed image.


Displays the previous preview image.

If the first image ID is passed, the behavior depends on whether loop is enabled:

  • if loop is enabled, the last image is displayed.
  • if loop is disabled, does not change the displayed image.


Displays the image with the specified index.

Doesn't update preview if the argument is not valid.


  • seek(0) does not display any preview
  • seek(1) displays the first image.
  • seek(-1) displays the last image.
  • If the argument is a number bigger than the number of items, or less than "-(number of items)" the gallery shows the modulus of the following division: total images number divided by the argument number.


Add new items to the gallery.


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img: 'image1.jpg',
thumb: 'thumb1.jpg',
caption: 'caption'


Updates options of active breakpoint or default gallery options, if there is no active breakpoint.


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nav: 'dots'

Code sample

This example shows a use case for a gallery widget on any page:

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<div class="image-gallery"></div>
require ([
], function ($, gallery) {
$(function () {
$('.image-gallery').each(function (index, element) {
options: {
"nav": "false",
"loop": "true",
"arrows": "true"
data: [
{ img: "<image_url_1>" },
{ img: "<image_url_2>" },
{ img: "<image_url_3>" }
fullscreen: {
"navdir": "horizontal"
"breakpoints": {
"<breakpoint_name>": {
"conditions": {
"max-width": "767px"
"options": {}
}, element);

The breakpoints options are set in the view.xml configuration file of a theme. The file is located in <theme_dir>/etc.

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<var name="breakpoints">
<var name="%breakpoints_option1%">%option1_value%</var>
<var name="%breakpoints_option2%">%option2_value%</var>
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