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DropdownDialog widget

The dropdownDialog widget is a customization of the standard jQuery UI Dialog. As extra functionality it implements the following:

  • triggering event for opening
  • delaying to automatically close the drop-down on mouse out
  • clicking outside the area closes the drop-down

The dropdownDialog widget source is located in lib/web/mage/dropdown.js.


For information about how to initialize a widget in a JS component or .phtml template, see the Initialize JavaScript topic.


The customized Dialog widget has default jQuery UI Dialog widget options, plus several custom options.


Specifies if the position option is used for calculating the drop-down offset.

If set to false (default value), then position rules are not used and the drop-down is positioned under the element for which the widget is initialized. Otherwise the drop-down offset is calculated using the position rules.

Type: Boolean

Default value: false


Specifies if the drop-down should open after page load.

Type: Boolean

Default value: false


Specifies if the size of the drop-down is defined by widget options (height, width, minHeight, minWidth).

Type: Boolean

Default value: false


Specifies if the drop-down is closed when mouse pointer is moved out.

Type: Boolean

Default value: true


Specifies if the drop-down is closed on mouse click outside the drop-down.

Type: Boolean

Default value: true


Defines if the title option is used for displaying the title bar.

Type: Boolean

Default value: false


Class that is added to the drop-down, when it gets initialized.

Type: String

Default value: mage-dropdown-dialog

Class that is added/removed on drop-down content when it gets opened/closed.

Type: String

Default value: null


Class that is added/removed for the dropdown parent, when the drop-down gets opened/closed.

Type: String

Default value: null


Class that is added/removed on the trigger element when the drop-down gets opened/closed.

Type: String

Default value: null


Name of the event that triggers the open() function for drop-down.

Type: String

Default value: click


Element that triggers the drop-down.


  • String
  • jQuery object

Default value: null


The number of milliseconds until the dropdown is closed after mouse pointer moves out.

Type: Number

Default value: 500


The customized dropdownDialog widget has default jQuery UI Dialog widget methods, though some of them are customized.

Customized public methods:


Beside default functionality, this method calls the _mouseLeave() and _mouseEnter() functions, adds classes on trigger and drop-down parent, and binds the close on mouse click outside drop-down to the <body> element.

Invoke the open method:

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Beside default functionality, this method removes the classes from trigger and drop-down parent.Also clears the timeout if the latter exists.

Invoke the close method:

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Code sample

The following example shows how to initialize the dropdown dialog widget and pass options during the initialization. This example uses some CSS classes that are used for minicart.

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<div data-block="dropdown" class="minicart-wrapper">
<button type="button" class="action" data-trigger="trigger">
<span data-bind="i18n: 'Click Here'"></span>
<div class="block block-minicart"
"dropdownDialog": {
"appendTo": "[data-block=dropdown]",
"timeout": 2000,
"closeOnMouseLeave": false,
"closeOnEscape": true,
"autoOpen": true,
"triggerClass": "active",
"parentClass": "active",
"buttons": []
<div id="minicart-content-wrapper">
Here is our content

The following example shows a PHTML file using the script and custom CSS classes that have no defined properties:

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/** @var \Magento\Framework\Escaper $escaper */
<div class="dropdown-wrap">
<button class="dropdown-button">
<span><?= $escaper->escapeHtml(__('Dropdown open button')) ?></span>
<div id="dropdown-dialog" data-role="dropdownDialog">
<?= $escaper->escapeHtml(__('Dropdown content')) ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
], function($, dropdownDialog) {
'use strict';
appendTo: '.dropdown-wrap',
triggerTarget: '.dropdown-button',
closeOnMouseLeave: false,
closeOnEscape: true,
timeout: 2000,
triggerClass: 'active',
parentClass: 'active',
buttons: [{
text: $.mage.__('Close'),
click: function () {


The result is a dropdown dialog and a button (Click Here) that opens the dialog.

DropdownDialog Widget

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