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Custom form validation rules

Custom validation rules can be added by creating a Javascript mixin for the mage/validation module and calling the $.validator.addMethod function with the custom validation rule parameters as described below:

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function(value, element) {
// Return true or false after validation rule check
$.mage.__('Error message to display if validation fails')

This code snippet adds a simple new validation rule to the mixin to validate if an input field has only five words.


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var config = {
config: {
mixins: {
'mage/validation': {
'Vendor_Module/js/validation-mixin': true


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define(['jquery'], function($) {
'use strict';
return function(targetWidget) {
function(value, element) {
return value.split(' ').length == 5;
$.mage.__('Please enter exactly five words')
return targetWidget;

Modify an existing validation message

It is possible to adjust the existing error message for form fields. This is implemented in the core codebase in scope of the Magento_CatalogSearch module.

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], function($){
$('#form-validate').mage('validation', {
errorPlacement: function (error, element) {
var parent = element.parent();
if (parent.hasClass('range')) {
parent.find(this.errorElement + '.' + this.errorClass).remove().end().append(error);
} else {
messages: {
'price[to]': {'greater-than-equals-to': '<?= $block->escapeJs(__('Please enter a valid price range.')) ?>'},
'price[from]': {'less-than-equals-to': '<?= $block->escapeJs(__('Please enter a valid price range.')) ?>'}

The messages object is the one that does the job - they key is the input name and the value is a list of validation rules that should be modified for the specified input field. Here the rule name is the key and the validation message is the value.

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$('#form-to-validate').mage('validation', {
messages: {
'input-name': {
'validation-rule-1': 'Validation message 1',
'validation-rule-2': 'Validation message 2',

This comes in handy when the error message needs to be specific but the rule does not change.

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