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Locate templates, layouts, and styles

When you create a theme, you might need to create override files for default theme and module view files. To do so, you must determine which template, layout, and style files that the application uses. This topic describes how to do this.


To locate the template that is responsible for a specific part of the storefront or Admin, you can use built-in template hints.

To enable template hints:

  1. Click Stores > Settings > Configuration > ADVANCED > Developer.

  2. In the Scope: dropdown in the upper-left corner select the view for which you want the template hints.

  3. In the Debug tab, set Template Path Hints for storefront to Yes. To enable path hints for Admin set Template Path Hints for Admin to Yes.

  4. To save the changes, click Save Config in the upper-right corner.

Enabling template hints

Use the bin/magento dev:template-hints:enable command to enable template hints and the bin/magento dev:template-hints:disable command to disable them. Do not forget to clear the cache after running the commands. For example:

Copied to your clipboard
bin/magento dev:template-hints:enable
Template hints enabled.
Copied to your clipboard
bin/magento cache:clean config full_page

Now that you have enabled template hints, reload the page that you want to modify. If you enabled hints for storefront with URL Param, reload the page with the param ?templatehints=magento in the URL and review the path for the template file or files that the template hints show. Here is an example of a storefront category page with template hints enabled:

A storefront page with enabled template hints

In this example, the mini shopping cart page element is defined by the <Magento_Checkout_module_dir>/view/frontend/templates/cart/minicart.phtml template:

A hint with template name for minishopping cart (the template name is above the element)

Here is how the Customers page looks with template hints enabled in the Admin:

Admin page with enabled template hints

Alternatively, you can perform a text search in the file system by using system generated titles, CSS class names, block titles, labels, or links text as search terms. For example, using a browser debug tool, you can define that the minicart block css class is minicart-wrapper.

Firebug displaying html

A search through the app directory for occurrences of "minicart-wrapper" in .phtml files returns the app/code/Magento/Checkout/view/frontend/templates/cart/minicart.phtml template.

Since it is not recommended to edit the default files, you need to add overriding files if you want to customize the template. For details about overriding templates please refer to Customizing Theme Template.


Just like templates, layouts are saved on a per-module basis. You can easily locate the layout file by determining in which module the templates for the element you are interested in reside in.

After you have determined the module, you can search for the layout in the following locations:

  1. <current_theme_dir>/<Namespace>_<Module>/layout/
  2. <parent_theme(s)_dir>/<Namespace>_<Module>/layout/
  3. <module_dir>/view/frontend/layout/
  4. <module_dir>/view/base/layout/

There is no straightforward algorithm how to define at once the exact layout file, but in most cases layout file names are self descriptive. Also you can search them for mentions of the corresponding templates.


Let's say you need to locate the layout that is responsible for displaying mini shopping cart on the storefront, when the Blank theme is applied for the store view.

Using the Template Hints we determine that the template is app/code/Magento/Checkout/view/frontend/templates/cart/minicart.phtml, and in the path, we see that it belongs to the Magento_Checkout module.

Let's search for the layout following the fallback scheme:

  1. Check the app/design/frontend/Magento/blank/Magento_Checkout/ layout. To locate the required layout, search this directory for occurrences of the template name, " minicart.phtml ". No matching file is found, so we proceed to the next fallback level, which is the parent theme layouts.
  2. We can find the info about parent theme in a theme configuration file theme.xml, the parent theme name is specified there in the <parent></parent> node. In the app/design/frontend/Magento/blank/theme.xml there's no <parent> node, which means the Blank theme has no parents. So we should search on the next fallback level which is the module layouts.
  3. The Magento_Checkout layouts are located in app/code/Magento/Checkout/view/frontend/layout/. After searching this directory for occurrences of "minicart.phtml", we define that the layout we are looking for is app/code/Magento/Checkout/view/frontend/layout/default.xml.

After you located the necessary layout file, you can create your custom layout file with the corresponding name in your theme folder to add extending or overriding content. Please see Customizing Theme Layouts for more details.


To locate a CSS rule that is applied to a certain element, find the template for the page that contains the element. Or you can use browser debugging tools, to locate the class name. After you find the class name, use text search in the theme and module styles directories to locate the .less or .css file that defines the class. Perform the search according to the following fallback scheme:

  1. Theme styles <current_theme_dir>/web/css/
  2. Module theme styles <current_theme_dir>/<Namespace>_<Module>/web/css/
  3. Parent theme styles <parent_theme_dir>/web/css/
  4. Parent theme Module styles <parent_theme_dir>/<Namespace>_<Module>/web/css/
  5. Module styles for the frontend area <module_dir>/view/frontend/web/css/
  6. Module styles for the base area <module_dir>/view/base/web/css/


Let's find the file defining on the CSS classes used for displaying the mini shopping cart on the storefront, when the Blank theme is applied for the store view.

In the mini shopping cart template app/code/Magento/Checkout/view/frontend/templates/cart/minicart.phtml the top level element has minicart-wrapper class.

So, let's search for occurrences of "minicart-wrapper" in according to the fallback scheme:

  1. Search in app/design/frontend/Magento/blank/web/css, the search returns no results.
  2. Search in app/design/frontend/Magento/blank/Magento_Checkout/web/css.The "minicart-wrapper" style is defined in app/design/frontend/Magento/blank/Magento_Checkout/web/css/source/module/_minicart.less

After you determine which .css or .less file defines the class, you can override the default class definition in your custom .css or .less files. For details, see CSS in themes.

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