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Webhook responses and logging

Currently, Adobe Commerce webhooks support responses in JSON format only. The response may be a single operation or an array of operations to be executed afterward. Each operation must contain some required fields based on the desired operation.

Exceptions and notices are logged in the <installation_directory>/var/log/system.log file.


The endpoint is expected to return a 200 response and a JSON object or array of objects that indicates the result of the operation. Each operation object can contain the list of fields based on the operation (op) which should be performed.

Adobe Commerce webhooks support the following operations:

The process that triggered the original event continues without any changes.
Causes Commerce to terminate the process that triggered the original event.
Updates the arguments in the original event by adding data described in the operation
Replaces argument values in the original event, based on the response.
Removes values or nodes from the arguments in the original event by the provided path

Success operation

The success operation is returned when changes are not needed. The process that triggered the original event continues without any changes.

The response of a successful request is as follows:

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"op": "success"

Exception operation

The exception operation causes Commerce to terminate the process that triggered the original event. The exception is logged in <installation_directory>/var/log/system.log.

Contains exception.
Specifies the exception class. If class is not set, \Magento\Framework\Exception\LocalizedException will be thrown.
Specifies the exception message. If this field is not explicitly set, then the message defined in the fallbackErrorMessage configuration field will be returned. If fallbackErrorMessage is not set, the system default error message will be returned.

If an error occurs, the response is similar to the following:

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"op": "exception",
"class": "Path\\To\\Exception\\Class",
"message": "The product cannot be added to the cart because it is out of the stock"

Add operation

The add operation causes Commerce to add the provided value to the provided path to the triggered event arguments

Contains add.
Specifies the path at which the value should be added to the triggered event arguments.
Specifies the value to be added. This can be as a single value or in an array format.
Specifies the DataObject class name to create, based on the value and added to the provided path. Use this field for cases when the object should be added in provided path.

For example, we want to add a new shipping method to the triggered event result payload. The result is an array of Magento\Quote\Model\Cart\ShippingMethod objects:

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$result = [
0 => {Magento\Quote\Model\Cart\ShippingMethodInterface},
1 => {Magento\Quote\Model\Cart\ShippingMethodInterface}

To add a new shipping method to that result, the response from the webhook would look like:

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"op": "add",
"path": "result",
"value": {
"data": {
"amount": "5",
"base_amount": "5",
"carrier_code": "newshipmethod",
"carrier_title": "Webhook new shipping method",
"instance": "Magento\\Quote\\Api\\Data\\ShippingMethodInterface"

Based on this operation, the new instance of Magento\Quote\Model\Cart\ShippingMethodInterface will be created and added to the result array of shipping methods.

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$result = [
0 => {Magento\Quote\Model\Cart\ShippingMethodInterface},
1 => {Magento\Quote\Model\Cart\ShippingMethodInterface},
2 => {Magento\Quote\Model\Cart\ShippingMethodInterface}

Replace operation

The replace operation causes Commerce to replace a value in triggered event arguments for the provided path

Contains replace.
Specifies the path at which the value should be replaced with the provided value.
Specifies the replacement value. This can be as a single value or in an array format.
Specifies the DataObject class name to create, based on the value and added to the provided path.

The following example replaces a nested element in the triggered event result payload:

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$result = [
'shipping_methods' => [
'shipping_method_one' => [
'amount' => 5

The response from the webhook endpoint:

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"op": "replace",
"path": "result/shipping_methods/shipping_method_one/amount",
"value": 6

The updated result will be modified to:

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$result = [
'shipping_methods' => [
'shipping_method_one' => [
'amount' => 6

Remove operation

The remove operation causes Commerce to remove a value or node in triggered event arguments by the provided path

Contains remove.
Specifies the path at which the value should be removed.

The following example removes element key2 from the triggered event result payload:

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$result = [
'key1' => 'value1',
'key2' => 'value2',
'key3' => 'value3',

The response from the webhook endpoint:

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"op": "remove",
"path": "result/key2"

The updated result will be modified to:

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$result = [
'key1' => 'value1',
'key3' => 'value3',


The following table describes webhook logging activity. Each hook can be configured to have its own soft and hard timeout values.

CaseLogging activity
A hook was executed within the soft and hard time limits with a 2xx response code.
An optional hook was executed with a response code other than 2xx within the soft and hard time limits.
Add error log entry
A required hook was executed with a response code other than 2xx within the soft and hard time limits.
Add error log entry
Throw an exception
An optional hook is aborted due to reaching the hard timeout limit.
Add error log entry
A required hook is aborted due to reaching the hard timeout limit.
Add error log entry
Throw an exception
The execution time of hook exceeds the soft timeout limit.
Add a notice to the error log

Database logging

You can enable database logging for debugging webhooks from the Admin. You should not enable database logging in production environments, as it can affect the performance.

To enable database logging, navigate to Stores > Settings > Configuration > Adobe Services > Webhooks > Database logging configuration and set the Enabled option to Yes.

Webhooks database logging configuration

You can configure the minimum log level to store logs in the database and log retention time. The available log levels are DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, and ERROR.

You can also configure if you want to log the full log message. In case of an unsuccessful request, the full log message might contain response data from the external endpoint used for the webhook.

The logs are cleared once per day based on the retention time.

When database logging is enabled, the webhook logs are stored in the webhook_log table. To check logs in the Admin, navigate to System > Webhooks > Webhook Logs.

Webhooks database logging

You can filter logs by multiple fields, such as webhook method, type, hook name, and request ID.

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