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REST endpoints for webhook.

Adobe Commerce provides several REST endpoints that interact with the webhooks processes. These endpoints require an admin token.

Get a list of all subscribed webhooks

The GET /rest/all/V1/webhooks/list endpoint returns a list of all subscribed webhooks. The response body is similar to the following:

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"webhook_method": "observer.sales_order_place_before",
"webhook_type": "after",
"batch_name": "sales_order",
"batch_order": 100,
"hook_name": "sales_order_status",
"url": "/hook-url",
"priority": 100,
"required": true,
"soft_timeout": 1000,
"timeout": 2000,
"method": "",
"fallback_error_message": "Unable to validate product",
"ttl": 6000,
"fields": [
"name": "name",
"source": "data.product.name"
"name": "price",
"source": "data.product.price"
"rules": [
"field": "data.product.sku",
"operator": "regex",
"value": "\/.*car.*\/"
"headers": [
"name": "header-name",
"value": "header-value"

The administrator must be granted access to the Magento_AdobeCommerceWebhooks::webhooks_list resource.

Example usage:

The following cURL command returns returns a list of all subscribed webhooks.

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curl --request GET \
--url <ADOBE_COMMERCE_URL>/rest/all/V1/webhooks/list \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer <TOKEN>'
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