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Configure Commerce

This section provides an overview on configuring Adobe Commerce for developing an app using the checkout starter kit and provides an overview of the scripts available.

All the configurations in your app must align with the App Builder Configuration file guidelines. In addition to the App Builder configuration, this starter kit requires the following additional configurations:


The events.config.yaml file defines the event providers and their metadata.

Label of the event provider.
Metadata of the event provider (For example, dx_commerce_events for the Commerce event provider).
Description of the event provider.
Documentation URL for the event provider.
List of event metadata to register. (This is not required for the Commerce event provider, since it uses event subscriptions.)
Only required for the Commerce event provider. List of Commerce events to subscribe to. For payload specifications, refer to Subscribe to events.


The starter kit provides set of scripts to help you get started with your project. Run these scripts by using the following format: npm run <script-name>.


The configure-events script configures the Adobe I/O Events integration for your project with a single command.

The script performs the following actions:

  1. It reads the event providers specification from the events.config.yaml file and synchronizes the event providers and their metadata.

    • The labels of the event providers defined in the specification are suffixed with the Adobe I/O Runtime namespace to ensure uniqueness across the projects of the organization.
  2. The script updates the AIO_EVENTS_PROVIDERMETADATA_TO_PROVIDER_MAPPING environment variable with the latest provider metadata.

To run the configure-events script, ensure that your project configuration (.aio file) includes the following:

  • Organization ID: project.org.id
  • IMS Organization ID: project.org.ims_org_id
  • Project ID: project.id
  • Workspace ID: project.workspace.id

The script uses the following environment variables:

  • AIO_runtime_namespace: The Adobe I/O Runtime namespace is used as the suffix for the Adobe I/O Events provider label.
  • AIO_EVENTS_PROVIDERMETADATA_TO_PROVIDER_MAPPING: (Optional) Existing provider metadata to provider mapping.

The script does not support deleting event providers. If you need to delete an event provider, you can do it through AIO CLI with the following command:

Copied to your clipboard
`aio event provider delete <provider-id>`.


The configure-commerce-events script configures the Commerce event provider for your Commerce instance.

It reads the dx_commerce_events event provider specification from the events.config.yaml and .env files, and performs the following actions:

  1. Configures Commerce eventing in the Commerce instance.

    If the Commerce instance is already configured with a different provider, the script will return an error to prevent overriding another project's configuration.

  2. Subscribes to the required commerce events.


To run the script, ensure you have completed the following steps:

  1. Install the Commerce eventing module in your Commerce instance.

  2. Set up the Adobe Commerce HTTP Client to authenticate the Commerce instance.

  3. Configure your events.config.yaml and .env files with the commerce event provider specification.

    • Create the event provider in advance, by running the configure-events script.

    • If you already have a Commerce event provider, ensure that:

      • The events.config.yaml file matches the existing provider metadata.

      • The environment variable AIO_EVENTS_PROVIDERMETADATA_TO_PROVIDER_MAPPING contains the Commerce event provider ID.

  4. The script requires the following environment variables, which update the values in Stores > Configuration > Adobe Services > Adobe I/O Events > Commerce events:

    • COMMERCE_ADOBE_IO_EVENTS_MERCHANT_ID: The merchant ID of the Commerce instance.
    • COMMERCE_ADOBE_IO_EVENTS_ENVIRONMENT_ID: The environment ID of the Commerce instance.

This script must finish running before you deploy the application for event registration.


The create-payment-methods script creates payment methods in Adobe Commerce.

It reads the payment methods configuration from the payment-methods.yaml file and creates the payment methods in Adobe Commerce.


To add shipping methods to the Adobe Commerce instance using webhooks, you must first create shipping carriers.

The create-shipping-carriers script creates shipping carriers in Adobe Commerce, by reading the shipping carriers configuration from shipping-carriers.yaml.


To retrieve shipping carriers from Commerce, use the get-shipping-carriers script.

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