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Events troubleshooting

This topic describes how to resolve frequently encountered issues with Adobe I/O Events for Adobe Commerce.

Events are not showing in App Builder event registration

If Commerce is correctly configured, but triggered events aren't being received, check the the Events Status grid, located at System > Events > Events Status in the Commerce Admin, to view the status of triggered events that are present in the Commerce event_data database table.

Events Status grid

You can perform additional troubleshooting by retrieving the contents of the event_data table, which contains information that is not displayed in the grid. This table temporarily stores events before transforming them into Adobe I/O events. The table contains a status column that can have the following values:

Status IDStatus
Successfully sent
Failed to send event
Transmission is in progress

You can use the following SQL query to select all events from the event_data table:

SELECT * FROM event_data

Use the SQL query results or the content of the Events Status grid to determine the next troubleshooting step.

The table or grid is empty

If the event_data table or the Events Status grid is empty, use the following procedure to diagnose the problem:

  1. Run bin/magento events:list to ensure that you have subscribed events.

  2. Check the app/code/Magento directory to determine whether the AdobeCommerceEvents module exists. If it does not exist, generate it with the bin/magento events:generate:module command.

    Note: You must regenerate the AdobeCommerceEvents module each time you subscribe to a new plugin.* type event so that Commerce can create the required plugins.

  3. Run bin/magento module:status Magento_AdobeCommerceEvents to check that the AdobeCommerceEvents module is enabled. If it is not enabled, run bin/magento module:enable Magento_AdobeCommerceEvents.

  4. On an Adobe Commerce on cloud infrastructure instance, check that eventing is enabled in .magento.env.yaml. If not, enable it and push the changes to trigger deployment.

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The event status is 0 or Waiting

Events are sent by crons. If the status of an event is still 0 in the event_data table or Waiting in the Events Status grid after a long period, then the crons are not configured correctly. In a Cloud environment, check the logs. Cron execution might have been killed due to lack of space in the environment or other reasons.

The event status is 2 or Failure

An event status of 2 in the event_data table, or Failure in the Events Status grid, indicates there was an error during transmission. Additional information can be found in the info column of the table or in the system.log file. The following CLI command can show only logs related to the event batch sending.

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cat var/log/system.log | grep -i batch

The output contains information about any errors that occurred. For example:

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report.ERROR: Publishing of batch of 6 events failed: Error code: 500; reason: Server Error {"reason":null,"message":"Unexpected server error occurred"} [] []
report.INFO: Event data batch of 7 events was successfully published. [] []
report.INFO: Event data batch of 2 events was successfully published. [] []

Client ID is invalid error

The following error indicates the project in the Developer Console is missing the Adobe I/O Events for Adobe Commerce API.

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Event publishing failed: Error code: 403; reason: Forbidden { "error": { "code": "Forbidden", "message": "Client ID is invalid", "details": { "error_code": "403003" } } }

Set up a project describes how to add the required API. After adding the required API, download the workspace configuration for your project again and update it in the Adobe I/O Workspace Configuration field in the Adobe Commerce admin.

The status shows the events have been successfully sent, but they were not received in the event registration

If events are not received, determine if you have a different value for the Adobe I/O Event Provider Instance ID configured in the Adobe Commerce environment that is used in the event registration of the Developer Console.

Choose your instance

Adobe I/O Event Provider Instance ID

Event subscribe CLI command error

You might encounter the following error when attempting to subscribe to events with the bin/magento events:subscribe command:

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Unsuccessful request: `POST https://api.adobe.io/events/xxxxx/eventmetadata` resulted in a `400 Bad Request` response:
{"reason":"Bad Request. Request id: xxxxxxx.","message":"The current event provider's is associated with another workspace (check the provider's rel:update links to its workspace).."}

This error indicates the event provider configured in the Adobe I/O Event Provider ID field in the Admin is associated with a different workspace than the one configured in the Adobe I/O Workspace Configuration field. You cannot create a new event subscription with an event provider that is associated with another workspace.

You must specify an event provider created with the currently configured Adobe I/O Workspace Configuration.

Event provider is not shown in App Builder

After you create a new event provider, it might not appear in App Builder until it has at least one active subscribed event. Synchronize your event subscriptions from Adobe Commerce by using the following command:

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bin/magento events:metadata:populate

After refreshing the page with your App Builder project, you should be able to find the provider.

Stuck deployment after configuring priority events

The deployment process can get stuck in some cases in the Cloud environment when consumers are running in the background. To resolve the issue, you must ssh into your environment and manually kill the consumer process.

  1. Use SSH to log in to the remote environment.

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    magento-cloud ssh
  2. Find the consumer processes.

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    ps aux | grep consumer

    The response lists the running consumers.

    Copied to your clipboard
    web 980 2.4 0.0 232176 163012 ? S 22:22 0:00 /usr/bin/php8.1-zts /app/bin/magento queue:consumers:start commerce.eventing.event.publish
  3. Use one of the following commands to kill the consumer:

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    kill -9 <PROCESS_ID>
    Copied to your clipboard
    vendor/bin/ece-tools cron:kill

By default, the consumer will restart within one minute, but this value may vary, based on your cron configuration or whether you have set up a worker.

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