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App UI registration

Your app must be correctly configured with Adobe App Registry to use the Admin UI SDK to create a custom UI in Commerce. You must perform the following steps before submitting your app to be published.

Add or update the install.yml file

Create an install.yml file in the root of your project.

Make sure you target the correct extensionPointId: commerce/backend-ui/1

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$schema: http://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema
$id: https://adobe.io/schemas/app-builder-templates/1
- action
- ui
- extensionPointId: commerce/backend-ui/1

Create or update the extension-manifest.json file

Create or update your project extension-manifest.json file so that it is similar to the following:

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"name": "commerce-first-app",
"displayName": "Commerce First App on App Builder",
"description": "Commerce First App on App Builder",
"platform": "web",
"id": "commerce-first-app",
"version": "1.0.0"

Add an ExtensionRegistration component

Create an ExtensionRegistration React component that registers the menu configuration in the App Registry. Use the adobe/uix-sdk with the adobe-uix-guest dependency. The UI Extensibility Getting Started guide describes this process further.

  1. Add the uix-guest dependency in the package.json.

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    "@adobe/uix-guest": "^0.8.3"
  2. Run npm install.

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    npm install
  3. Create an ExtensionRegistration.js file as follows:

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    import { register } from '@adobe/uix-guest';
    export default function ExtensionRegistration() {
    return <></>;
    const extensionId = 'commerce-first-app'
    const init = async () => {
    await register({
    id: extensionId,
    methods: {

    The extension ID should be the same as the one defined in the extension-manifest.json.

Update the App.js routing

Add the following route to your App.js file to define the correct routing to your app:

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<Route path={'index.html'} element={<ExtensionRegistration />} />

Make sure that your main page is correctly routed to the index. Here is an example of the first app routing in the App.js component:

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<ErrorBoundary onError={onError} FallbackComponent={fallbackComponent}>
<Provider theme={lightTheme} colorScheme={'light'}>
<Route path={'index.html'} element={<ExtensionRegistration />} />
<Route index element={<MainPage runtime={props.runtime} ims={props.ims} />} />

Create a registration runtime action

Under the actions repository in the project, create a registration respository in which you create the index.js file with the following code:

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async function main() {
return {
statusCode: 200,
body: {
registration: {
exports.main = main

You must populate the registration section with calls to fetch menus, pages, and other entities to be displayed in the Admin. Extension Points provides reference information and examples.

Update the app.config.yaml file

Update the app.config.yaml configuration file as follows:

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$include: src/commerce-backend-ui-1/ext.config.yaml

This file now declares extensions and redirects to an ext.config.yaml file.

Add or update the ext.config.yaml

Add or update the src/commerce-backend-ui-1/ext.config.yaml file. The commerce-backend-ui-1 directory contains the actions and web-src code.

Your extension configuration file should look like this:

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- type: web
impl: index.html
actions: actions
web: web-src
license: Apache-2.0
function: actions/registration/index.js
web: 'yes'
runtime: 'nodejs:18'
LOG_LEVEL: debug
require-adobe-auth: true
final: true

The package name must be admin-ui-sdk, and the action must be registration. The function can point to any route that returns the registration in the correct expected format.

We recommend securing the registration runtime action by setting require-adobe-auth to true. The Adobe Commerce instance will correctly load registrations securely based on the provided IMS credentials.

Complete this file with the actions from your app.

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